
But serialization still only applies when the 80% lower is sold with other parts intended to turn it into a firearm. If you read the regulation, it doesn’t appear affect manufacturers selling a piece of metal that resembles a firearm receiver but doesn’t have the ability to accept the necessary functional parts and

Except that’s not what this new ATF rule does. So called “ghost guns” are legal to use and own under federal law and will remain so without updated legislation. This legislation doesn’t change that. A legally-possessed ghost gun used in a federal crime wouldn’t be treated any differently than a legally-possessed gun

I mean, this law basically does nothing. It’s the kind of political theater that’s typical of politicians who want to pretend like they did something valuable.

Hey, since when did blog writers on this site practice basic journalistic standards? 

A lot of those maritime codes only apply to vessels that displace a certain tonnage. Just looking  at its size, I’m willing to bet it is well-under the requirements for owner-operated vessels or pleasure craft that don’t require any crew or more than the most rudimentary emergency equipment. 

If you cover the entire roadway, then a vehicle that’s stuck on the tracks couldn’t escape easily. You can fix that problem by installing a physical barrier in the median or grade-separating the tracks, but that all costs money.

Texas’s stand your ground law isn’t any more “aggressive” than most other states. In fact, the way that stand your ground is spelled-out in California’s jury instructions is arguably more aggressive because the jury instructions spell out the right to pursue a threat until the threat has passed.

You cannot become an “actual Nazi.” The actual Nazi party stopped accepting applications nearly a century ago when Berlin fell to the Soviets. All actual Nazis are either in nursing homes or the grave by now. Neo-Nazis are just people who ideate on the symbology and other particular aspects of the National Socialist

I’m not a Constitutional lawyer, but my understanding is that, legally-speaking, Roe v. Wade has always been on very constitutionally-shaky ground. Unlike a lot of major Supreme Court precedents, it was always understood that the decision was largely built on a house of cards, reading into the 14th amendment a right

I disagree. Freedom of expression is a basic human right and any platform that hosts or sponsors media has an ethical obligation to strongly support freedom of expression and try to avoid censorship wherever possible. To do otherwise is unethical.

I mean, it’s pretty much the same sanction as refusing to appear before a federal court. There’s no prison time involved as it is a misdemeanor. If they are a first time offender, federal sentencing guidelines will usually result in a fine or possibly home confinement for a few weeks maximum.

Why exactly is that? It seems to be in line with failure to appear in front of a federal court, which is a maximum of six months confinement. Why is failure to appear before congress deserving of greater punishment? 

Spotify already agreed to give him a platform though. If they try to censor his art, then that’s an attack on his freedom of expression. Just because a corporation has a legal right to censorship in some cases doesn’t mean that it’s ethical. 

Is supporting freedom of speech a radical position now?

But not everyone agrees on what the “wrong thing” is. If you care about civil liberties, for instance, you might say that businesses censoring any content of artists or produces is the wrong thing, even if you vehemently disagree with what is being produced. If you care about only promoting your particular point of

Which is pretty similar to the current COVID-19 vaccination rate of 62%.

About 10% of those dying from COVID-19 in the are fully vaccinated, so that puts COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated population in the US about the same as the overall death rate typical of the seasonal flu. Since I don’t wear a mask to protect myself or others against seasonal flu, there’s no reason to wear it to

I thought about it, but they don’t seal properly with a beard, they fog up my sunglasses and they are not provided for free, so there’s really no benefit to using one since I received a full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and I don’t care at this point about protecting anti-vaxxers since they’ve had their chance. Plus,

That’s faulty logic. People sometimes catch common versions of the coronavirus, like the variants that causes the common cold, and die. People sometimes catch influenza and die. People sometimes catch other cold viruses like rhinoviruses and die. I’m not going to wear a mask just in case of the extremely unlikely

For many Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Amish and others, shaving may violate their religious beliefs. And certain kinds of cloth masks, like neck gaiters, are probably more effective for people with a beard.