
Given that the Republicans are likely going to ride a red wave into control of the House, that’s not a compelling argument. 

He’s a representative from West Virginia, a state that relies heavily on fossil fuel to provide jobs for his constituents. He’s just giving his constituents what they want and what they feel is in their best interest, which is his job.

There’s this pretty nonsensical belief among many liberals that minority groups all vote as a bloc and that racial and ethnic minority groups like Hispanics and Asians represent a monolithic bloc that can be appealed to by the kind of identity politics that white progressives embrace. In this theory, since the US is

Science shows that those that “check out of the party” aren’t worth going after. You end up doing more harm than good. The closer a Representative runs to the center, the higher his margin of victory. Motivating the far left to come to the ballot box does much more damage than good, as it turns moderates and

I mean, it’s almost as if you want to hand control of the Senate back to McConnel. Badmouthing a moderate Democrat from a very Republican state isn’t going to accomplish any good. It might, however, make Manchin dig in even more on his positions to spite his detractors.

Mitch McConnell would love for the Democrats to follow your advice: kick Manchin out of the caucus, and give back majority control to the Republicans.

Lithium is a dense metal. Lithium-based batteries are heavy and they’re much, much less energy-dense than petrol. Diesel busses use relatively energy-dense fuel and other than the frame and the relatively small motor, they’re mostly empty space when not loaded down with passengers. 

If it can’t recharge in 5 minutes from empty to full, then it’s not charging “relatively fast” compared to a petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles are great as a second or third vehicle for commuting, assuming you have a charger at one end. It serves no real purpose otherwise. It’s just a dangerous, expensive

I don’t understand the appeal of an electric vehicle like this. A real HMMWV can travel hundreds of miles, easily and quickly refuel, extend its range to 1000 miles quite facially and cheaply, and is great off-road. This is basically a commuter vehicle like a Tesla, with extremely limited range, long recharge time,

Well, considering that the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as a contemptuous name given in Southern States of North America to poor whites and Webster’s defines it as an offensive word used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a poor, white, usually Southern person, I think you’re going to have a hard time

The California Supreme Court has held that the Unruh Civil Rights Act isn’t limited to the groups specifically enumerated in the law, but that the act can potentially ban any and all arbitrary discrimination without a sufficient business purpose as well as any arbitrary discrimination based on characteristics similar

More importantly, legally, all that really matters is whether the policy is consistent. You can’t ban some racial slurs that are likely to cause offense but not ban others. That’s a civil rights violation. 

I mean, while your entitled to your opinion, it won’t get you very far in court. Twitch can’t just arbitrarily ban one racial slur and allow another, otherwise they’re opening themselves up to civil rights lawsuits. The only question the courts care about is whether there is unequal treatment and whether it could

Well, luckily the law doesn’t care about your opinion. Public accommodations like Twitch are required to provide their customers with equal treatment. If they ban one racial or ethnic slur, they must ban them all or they can be held liable under federal law and the Unruh Civil Rights Act of civil rights violations.

Well, luckily the law doesn’t work on the basis of whether some user of the internet believes a particular group is oppressed. The law works on the concept of equality under the law. Public accommodations must treat all people equally, which means that if they ban some racial or ethnic slurs but not others, they’re

Because the new left is obsessed with creating a hierarchy of oppression and trying to control semantics rather than trying to promote actual, factual equality.

Under the Unruh Civil Rights act, white supremacists have the same right to use a public accommodation as anyone else. The policy of a public accommodation like Twitch must be completely consistent, otherwise it’s potentially a violation under state and federal law. You can’t ban white supremacists without violating

The Unruh Civil Rights Act tends to disagree with you. If someone could reasonably find it offensive, then it’s a racial slur. And if racial/ethnic slurs are not allowed on the platform, then allowing some racial/ethnic slurs but not others could constitute racial/ethnic discrimination in violation of the Unruh Civil

Well, there’s enough hype that it’s never closed down on Broadway except during the pandemic and there are quite a few of tours going on in the world at any given time, plus it was made into a major motion picture and it’s one of the rare shows that has a professionally recorded, high production value live recording

So, they’re exploiting the hype of the longest running Broadway show of all time to mislead people into watching a schlocky Hollywood knockoff? Sounds about on-par to the kind of tripe that studios are shooting out these days.