
I do not believe that it would be the US military for a few reasons. One reason is that they built TOR for their own purposes. The military intelligence agency primarily responsible for cyberwarfare, the NSA, has a massive budget. If they were attempting to take over the TOR network and monitor users, they would

I’m not sure that I understand the problem. If Twitter is going to enact a policy like that, it has to apply equally to all political parties and beliefs, even ones on the margins of society like white nationalists and neo-Nazis. If not, it would not only be unethical, but possibly run afoul of the Unruh Civil Rights

Your claim that nobody has a right to have their speech platformed by a private entity is incorrect. There are a number of state and federal laws that make it illegal for public accommodations to discriminate against the public based on their beliefs, and there is nothing preventing state and federal governments from

Your argument falsely presupposes that rights are limited to those required by law. Individuals and incorporated entities can recognize the existence of rights, even when they’re required not to. For instance, prior to the Civil War, a company could recognize the rights of all its workers to self-determination and

Every artist should have an equal right to exercise their artistic freedoms regardless of their own personal characteristics. I applaud Netflix for not exercising the kind of bigotry-driven censorship you appear to be espousing, where corporations limit an artist’s freedom of expression based on personal

The point is, in the long arc of history, nobody cares what the critics think. Nobody is going to build a statue of the philistines who criticize an artist like Chapel. They do build statues of great artists. People will likely be listening to his standup long after his critics are dead and forgotten, so best to get a

Dave Chappel makes what could be viewed by some as “racist” jokes about black Americans, white Americans, and many other groups all the time. I’m not sure why the philistines are clutching their pearls with regards to transgendered people and demanding censorship, but they should be ignored. I don’t see any statues

There’s a huge difference between deciding whether or not to offer patronage to an artist in the first place and deciding to censure the artist you patronize ex post facto. That’s why there’s a difference between say, a publisher simply not extending a financial offer to a writing to publish a book and a library or

Of course they have a right to speak their minds. I’m just applauding Netflix for ignoring the philistines demanding that they censor their artists and standing on the side of free speech.

I think trying to divine exactly why executives make decisions is pointless. There’s no way to know why Netflix is refusing to bow down to demands for censorship and, frankly, it doesn’t even really matter. What matters is that everyone who stands against publishers censoring artists to appease a small minority of

I think it’s because they’re planning on adding a lot more to the service (maybe even a more expensive tier later) and they want to get this out there now to gauge interest and make money and they don’t want to have to raise prices later, when what they offer improves. They don’t necessarily expect anyone but the

I mean, just wait until they have a bigger library. It’s going to happen eventually. They may even introduce a third tier that has older Switch games and Gamecube/Wii games. 

I think it’s more of a marketing test for Nintendo than something they expect to sell like hot cakes in its first year. They want to see how many hardcore fans will buy it. Over time, they’ll improve the service and, if necessary, lower the prices. Depending on its success, they may add another more expensive tier

That’s literally the definition of censorship, an authority (publisher, government agency, et cetera) deciding to not publish something in whole or in part due to concerns about it being obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat.

The basic idea of free speech is that we support someone’s right to speak their mind, even if what they say may be believed by some to be harmful or offensive. I mean, that’s why liberals rightfully mocked Rudy Giuliani for trying to censor feces-paintings of a Catholic demigod and that’s why people are rightfully

What am I talking about? Data my friend. A 2021 Pew survey found that most Americans believed that people take offensive content they see online too seriously and that people are too easily offended by what others say.

No, I think people are free to express their grievances. I just applaud Netflix for ignoring those people and letting an artist create art without censorship. As the famous Jean Sibelius said: “Never pay any attention to what critics say. Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic!”

Yeah, the whole thing seems rather like absurd pearl clutching. Most Americans aren’t down with the whole cancel culture, either the far-left or the far-right varieties. But corporations have been so adverse to any criticism whatsoever that they’ve often just gone along with whatever the voices in the culture wars

Let me know when there’s a good quality, 13" color version of it for less than $2000 and I’ll bite. 

There’s nothing in the Geneva Conventions or additional protocols recognized by the US that prohibit the use of AI in weapons. I’m not sure where you’re getting this from.