
“This asshole is polling in the fucking 40's and is bound to go lower.”

How many times do you think Pelosi had to try and teach Aunty Maxine to pronounce “Sycophant”?

WOW! That’s a LOT of tin-foil.

ands down you’re experiment - the attempt by Socialist weasels to to take over the U.S. - has already failed.

Like the deposit that went into The Clinton Foundation after the UraniumOne deal was approved?

HA.  They do have a stuttering cadence too...

Remember when you sung Mueller’s praises?

The Special Council reports to the DOJ so, yes, Barr is correct. The report IS Barr’s.

Omar isn’t Islamaphobic, she’s a submissive Islamist who supports femal genital mutilation and throwing gays off rooftops.

Ha - Omar is a racist Islamist whose ignorance keeps getting her in trouble.

You have to love Nadler.

Did Trump fire Mueller or Rosenstein? Didn’t Sessions recuse himselg?

Jeff asks: I’m struggling with this, but, who do you think has more romantic chemistry: Dany and Jon or Anakin and Padme?

This is fantastic.


Most theories aren’t a bad idea in theory...the problem comes when someone implements one of those theories.

Cuban American Republicans are, generally speaking, the wealthy Cubans who fled Cuba when Castro’s revolution occurred (and their descendants).”

So Castro was feeding his brown people?

Which they don’t get to keep...

Oooo you were in Havana.