
I’d more say that the Democrats were the ones on defense and Clinton herself was that last pitch being gently tossed to a shitty hitter that managed an inside the park home run on an infield base hit because all the fielders were just running in circles yelling at the crowd for not cheering for them in quite the right

Jimmy Dolan: *surfs on Pinterest for band logo ideas*

Probably around the same time that our debts stop being measured in $USD, a resource of which we can literally make as much as we choose.

Obama had two years with a Democratic Congress. He squandered it because he didn’t want the Rethugs to get mad at him.

The problem was that Obama started with a compromise position (the public option), compromised further by adopting the conservative conter proposal to Hillarycare and then started fighting.

“This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” -MLK

You don’t get the best solution be coming out of the gate with something barely left of center.

You don’t understand how negotiations work, do you? It’s called Anchoring. Clinton has given up. How can one expect progress when one doesn’t even try?