I leave my hair curly mostly out of laziness, but use it to feel better about how well I’m taking care of my hair long term. Other people can fry their hair all they want and power to them.
I leave my hair curly mostly out of laziness, but use it to feel better about how well I’m taking care of my hair long term. Other people can fry their hair all they want and power to them.
Comments just as valid when “christians” get their panties in a twist over “happy holidays.” Fine, you win - have a terrible new year.
If they gave it more context, they could argue that the difference between her real-life glam self and the character many 1st saw her as in 12 years a slave prove she’s versatile and can transform... but they didn’t so it def comes across racist.
They’re significantly, outrageously less rape-y, and feature more condom usage and fewer wilting heroines. Big differences since the classic Fabio days.
I don’t have answers, just an anecdote. Near where I’m at, a woman walked out of a mall with another woman’s infant. Police started searching instantly and were stopping cars etc, but the amber alert went out later. I think people got alerts on their phones 4-5 hours after police started searching, which felt like too…
Maybe the long distance thing makes them think he was online dating multiple other women who might have been in danger?
But then again, you never know what life will throw at you. My parents are only a year apart, but my mom contracted a rare cancer in her 50s, putting my dad in a caretaker role they didn’t anticipate so early.
It’s poor decision making, but we can’t know from the outside whether the “side chick” is at all “responsible.” The husband’s contract is with his wife - Rachel doesn’t have ano agreement with Beyonce, Jay does. For all we know he told her they were in an open marriage, or Bey knew, or any number of lies. Do I think…
I was out with friends once and made friends with a tipsy guy on the last train home - or at least we were, until he told us he had a week old baby. “Wait, where is your babu right now?” “At home with my wife. I had a work dinner tonight, so she stayed home with the baby.”
And that’s why working at a daycare is also a full-time job (or can be). You paying someone to help care for your baby doesn’t devalue SAHMs or their decision, but people get so touchy...
You could definitely make a fair use argument that she’s providing criticism/transforming the original work. My guess is Bey’s lawyers just figured asking for permission first is easier than going to court, even if they did have an excellent chance of winning.
Starred for snack-sized Churchill. The whole “all babies look like Churchill” thing is from Good Omens, right?
They served their time. Your vote is also just as equal as a drug addict, Wall Street broker, scientologist... I may think some Americans are reprehensible, but we’re all citizens and therefore have equal power in the voting booth. Them’s the breaks.
My bf’s a total hipster (in denial) who avoids chains as much as he can, and while it can be annoying/inconvenient/expensive sometimes, one of the benefits is his basic distrust of a place like Kay’s :) he would totally find an old wizened jeweler, or a small disorganized shop run by people who barely speak english...…
The only good justification I ever heard was a friend who registered socialist or something because parties get money from the govt for each person registered. Not sure if this is even true, but it’s at least a stand that makes an insignificant but at least tangible difference to something.
I think I love that everyone involved is a mess - Greg isn’t a perfectly nice guy just waiting in the wings. He’s got shit to deal with, same as Rebecca, Paula, etc. And we finally saw some more mess in Josh this week. I think that’s the strength that allows them to develop characters as they go in interesting ways…
Yes exactly - if I say “that’s uncomfortable,” my partner stops/pauses to change tactics. It’s a baseline of respect.
Fair enough - in my head it was just functioning as an adjective instead of qualifier.
But a girl is responsible for knowing a boy’s intentions - it’s always to sleep with her. Always. The default for any male who sees a female is to try to sex her. Unless he just asked her a question in a bar, jesus, what a bitch, why would I ever try to have sex with an ugly cow like you?
Yeah but your response to “that hurts” should be to stop, or at least pause, & get input from the partner on what to do differently/instead. If the response to “that hurts” is to just keep doing what he was doing and ignore her, that’s rape-y, no matter whether the girl specifically said the word “stop” or not.