
Research has repeatedly shown that 12 steps programs have horrible success rates for alcohol and drug addiction but I don’t know the stats for treating sex addiction.... is it any better for sex addicts?

Me too.... I wonder where they’ll move the checkpoints when someone blows a rice cooker full of ballbearing while waiting in the line for the TSA screeners.

I remember but that was accepted and considered simply the cost of doing business.

Now if there was only some proof that all of this was actually effective. Amazing that planes managed to fly safely for decades without all this security...

Turned it off on my girlfriend’s account a few months ago and she literally saved hundreds of dollars already. Overdraft protection is such a scam.

Why test only women? I’d imagine men’s would be more germ free...

Remember, just because you’re telling the truth and not lying does not mean they still won’t sue. Sure, you’ll “win” but it will be a pain in the ass. Best advice for Yelp reviews is always remain anonymous, use a email address not connected to your “real” life to sign-up, and post from a Starbucks or other free

In cases were men are drugged its usually the first step in an attempted robbery. Guy wakes up with a headache in a hotel room, his valuables gone and his credit cards drained.

Because that’s how you teach your children to operate in the world - they can’t stay in a bubble. Mom was nearby and kids need to learn independence otherwise they’ll likely become dependent and easy prey for others.

Joanna, I wish my hair could perform photosynthesis.

Being proud that they graduated?

How do you know they were supporting BLM? Could it be that you are just making an assumption because they are black?

Lutkin - unless you have more information then you stated in the article you are incorrect about the cadets having violated Directive 1344.10. A raised fist is a symbol of solidarity and support that goes back thousands of years and in of itself is not indicative of partisan political activity. We need to understand

I don’t really understand the Spirit hate. Is it just the people don’t understand how they nickel and dime you? Their in-flight service is nice and I have not had an issue with delays.... at least between Chicago and Boston.

I like it! Finally, Rumsfeld did something good with his life

Although it might be a bit of a long shot I hope you tried opening these redacted PDFs with the full version of Adobe Acrobat Pro. With some of my FOIA requests I’ve discovered that whatever flunky who was in charge of redacting personal information from my requests didn’t realize that they need to password-protect

No force was ever used, the writer never felt threatened, and she felt she was in control by her statement that she felt in her gut that “if I’d told him to stop, he would have. Immediately”. This isn’t rape.

Is it standard policy to open shrink-wrapped merchandise that’s being returned?