
So.... where exactly are the eyeballs of the Pixar cars? On the windshield or inside the car looking out? If you open the car’s door will their eyeballs float out? If you’re driving inside what do you see looking out the windshield?

Will this run all of the Chromebook apps because if it can this would be great for a lot of schools. A lot of schools are stuck with old hardware and the ones who have tech savvy people on board have generally installed some flavor of Linux on these machines to keep them usable. However, no version of Linux will run

Not that great of a selection.... needs more shows from the 21st century.

So the real question is does infrasound attract ghosts or does it somehow affect the human nervous system in such a way as to allow us to sense the ghosts that are already there?

How are they going to do all that in 12 to 13 episodes? I don’t know why CBS lost faith in the show but since the writing is on the wall that this is the last season please give us a proper ending..... Breaking Bad and not Dexter.

Very disappointed that the 5th season is just going to be 13 episodes... I hope they use their time to wrap things up and give use closure.