
Or transit tickets now in some places. I had to fight for three months when I was 23 to get my licence after a ticket for expired bus fare when I was fifteen. Because apparently it's wrong for a child to get home safely now?

Oh, I don’t want their terrible, terrible deaths to be alone. I want them to die screaming for help, with someone easily capable of providing that help standing just out of reach, dispassionately watching them go.

Yep. And, NO ONE SHOULD GO TO JAIL/PRISON for DEBT. Isn’t it counter-productive anyway? WtF America? Guess we really never did get rid of Debtor’s Prisons, we now just say, WARRANT and pretend it’s okay to jail folks for being poor. I don’t see how traffic tickets make you such a menace to society...that you need to

People stay even longer for failure to pay whatever fees associated with why they were in jail initially. Stuff like normal court fees. Its war on the poor.

Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?

“A county district attorney who investigated the case neglected to press charges, arguing that they did not exhibit any “cruel, oppressive or malicious treatment” toward Coltrain.”

I can’t even comprehend how this is happening. How can anyone in Congress/GOP just watch this and do nothing??? Can Trump and Session be called before the International Court of Justice in The Hague for crimes against humanity? I feel like nothing is happening, is everyone so numbed by all Trump’s crazy actions? Maybe

The whole ‘speaking against, voting for’ thing is what keeps people like Graham and Jeff Flake firmly outside of ‘resistance’ territory. They get partial credit for speaking out, but an exam answered in nothing but partial credit usually means you fail, unless you’re grading on a massive curve.

Lindsey Graham is weird. He says stuff occasionally that makes him seem like he’s not a total monster (remember him playing pool with Steven Colbert right after he dropped out of the race for president?), then next thing you know he’s back to voting like a shitbird again. He’s a funny guy, but not funny enough to

When it leads to your impeachment.

I *love* this show. The casual meannness that Villanelle sometimes puts out (flipping the ice cream on the kid at the very start) just makes me laugh. I’m not altogether sure that she identifies as a serial killer, or just an assassin who really has fun with it, either. I think most if not all of her kills are either

Well there’s only one cheese-puff flavour.

I once saw a rat drink a Coke right there. Two hands.

So good!

She went back stage without him, he can be pissed off about that, but as soon as she was even in danger his feelings no longer matter. Fuck him

The Avenging parent genre is proof that Hollywood is not an exclusively liberal, left leaning entity of progressive elitism as so many conservatives whine about- these films are designed to stoke the paranoia of white right wingers who cling to their guns and persecution complexes. Every action film that is made is

This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.

Maddie. Your voice. I want you to narrate my life please.

What is a juggalo

Excellent, but needs more Faygo.