
Lol. You’ve chosen an interesting hill to die on, dear.

Fine. She’s not a racist.

She also sues anyone and their mother for things like this, so I find this turnabout quite entertaining.

I imagine Darren would respond to a breakup the same way here responded to the critics who hated Mother.

 Licensed professional engineers aren’t using the dowsing rods, you pouty douche. Utility locating companies are, no matter how much that hurts your precious feelings. Get over yourself. They found what they were looking for, even if it was an unscientific method they used.

I created a burner just for this. I think some commenters and possibly the author are confused. “Dowsing” is specifically using a rod to locate water. The rods supposedly align with the flow of water, which is bullshit.

Look douchebag, there’s no reason to get your panties in a twist here. Damn near every utility locating company I’ve worked with has used them when more traditional methods have failed.

As a woman interviewed by the Root said earlier this week: “Racism is white people’s problem. They started it. They need to fix it.”

Counterpoint: Every time Lena Dunham fucks up feminism ALL feminists pay a price. She opens us up to mockery, scorn, and younger women that have been indoctrinated to believe a feminist is some sort of bra burning heathen communist are less likely to stop and listen.

I appreciate this young woman taking a stance and possibly losing a paycheck in the process.

By the way, I want to add that I can dislike Lena Dunham, think her brand of “feminism” is dangerous and feeds MRA bullshit, and also think this was disgusting and wrong and a very sad chapter of Jezebel’s back catalogue.

I so completely agree with you and I desperately want her to GO AWAY.

Lena Dunham is a fauxmenist.

Because it sure as shit ain’t her actions or the shit she says that mark her as a “feminist”

if you look at her “work” ( Girls is trash of the show) she is a rape apologist, unless its all about her.

She’s dangerous. I know sometimes when a woman shows herself not to be A Perfect Feminist Jezebel (and us here in the comments too) have a tendency to jump on it, it has shades of that 30 Rock episode but Lena Dunham is fucking dangerous. Someone in another thread mentioned these comments will end up being used

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Oh, yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to imply Jezebel gave her that moniker. I just meant I only know Markle from Jezebel. My whole rant was directed at her half-sister as well as anyone else who calls women “pushy” or “bitch” just because they aren’t always sweet. Sorry for the confusion.

I don’t like her chances one bit.