
Learn punctuation, Lena.

I hope someone wears a full live bird or related animal as a hat at her wedding, just because.

oh- you can ignore the comment I posted above, then- just saw this one, which explains my question. Without identifying the axes, it was hard to tell, and if I know anything, it’s not to trust random charts on the internet blindly.
There are obvious flaws in the data you present if that’s how you sourced it (i.e. no

Can you elaborate on that chart? For all I can tell, it’s telling me the number of people in these disciplines who like to play guitar.

since when is vulnerability not something predators target? I mean, the personal attacks to lower self-esteem before a predator makes an advance that is non-consensual is a widely reported.

I can most definitely tell you that Nancy Kerrigan is generally not a sympathetic person. She had poor sportsmanship when she came in second at the Olympics and has repeatedly given answers that portray her as entitled, flippant, and generally off-putting. This in no way means she deserved the blow to the knee. In any

So, you’ve heard scores of accounts where this works... to the point where it’s actually kind of common practice. Just because we haven’t found a way to explain it doesn’t mean it can’t be right. Science hasn’t had TIME to explain everything yet.

No worries! Agreed re: Half-sister. She seems like the wooooorst. I have a brother I don’t particularly like. He’s harmless; I just don’t enjoy spending time with him. I’m more thankful for him after reading this article.

You realize that it’s titled that way because that’s the book’s title, right? and not a moniker Jezebel writers are necessarily ascribing to Meaghan Markle...

She’s not even good at being passive-aggressive, nor can she use the right words to convey her meaning. I will eat my hat if this woman is actually witty (as characterized by someone but herself).

SOMEONE is peeved that they’re unlikely to get an invite to a potential upcoming royal wedding...

Okay, I totally need some help with this. I work with a woman who is a cross between Toby from The Office and Homer Simpson (insofar as he’s a helpless sack), and after a while I just can’t. When I walk into the office in the morning with half a coffee in me and she starts with her sad expression telling me about how

It’s kind of on my bucket list! They have different adventures across the world of various lengths and difficulty. You can even do London to Magadan if you want (way to challenging for me). You’re provided with bikes and a support vehicle. Charlie goes on some adventures but not all. It’s pretty cool, tbh.

So, when I first saw the title of this article, I kind of groaned because the Bailik thing was so covered and over that I didn’t see why we would necessarily extend her platform (even through criticism). I didn’t think I’d enjoy it. I am glad I did click and read, however, because you make some excellent points,

I’m due for another bro-trip around the world with those two.

I remember that Re: Long way Down. I kind of get Ewan’s hesitance, though, since motorbiking was not at all her thing. I’m of the mind that having separate interests/passions is fine in a marriage, and I really read it as Eve inserting herself forcefully into something Ewan enjoyed for himself. She didn’t like biking,

She was/is? a set decorator.

This makes me feel so many emotions! I developed my crush for Ewan by watching his documentary with BFF Charlie Boorman “Long way Around” (and the sequel “Long way Down.” Both him and Charlie are delightful, self-effacing, and genuinely lovely. He’s so dreamy.

As someone who is 2 years older than her, I can tell you it’s not just you. I honestly think she has the emotional maturity of an 18 year old, and that’s not doing justice to a lot of 18 year olds.

I once saw a tennis player wear cream coloured shorts instead of stark white. That’s how I knew he was a rebel.