
I find the celeb hint dropping so annoying and played out at this point. I bet she’s just inserting clues about exes into random songs so that people go on a Google spree. “Zomg! How old is Calvin Harris? He works at the club! Taylor wanted to cheat on him????”

Noooope...I’m 3 years older than TS and I feel exactly the same way you do

I’m four years older than her, so, I mean, theoretically not completely out of her age bracket/peer group/whatever and I just utterly fail to relate to anything about this song. Maybe I’m just old before my time. Or just old.

Yes. Loved it.

She’s not giving a teenager girl shit. She’s giving a grown-ass woman and Presidential adviser shit for how she’s writing about her teenage self.

I mean, I’m not a big fan of this article or anything, but she’s not targeting a teenager.

You misunderstand the point of the article. Ivanka’s not getting shit for her teenage years: she’s getting shit for an adult decision to lie about her teenage years.

When that “teenage years” is a bold faced lie positioned to humanize her and make her relatable to a Gen X/Gen Y cross over demographic yeah she’s fair game.

You’re pissy for a troll. You really think you can claim moral high ground on, well, anything?

the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.

you’d have to own the lot still. The lot has an address.

There’s something inherently wack about tennis players acting like bad boys. You’re playing tennis tough guy, let’s get real.

3 wins, 3 draws, 4 losses. Yeah, that goal was a phantom, but this team’s quality is a phantasm. We’re out on merit.

Not getting a college education doesn’t make you ignorant but it usually means the only experience you know is your own. It’s pretty hard to get a college education without having to learn about things beyond your little life and personal interests. To enforce that most degrees require you to take a certain number of

As a consumer I want Google returning legitimate knowledge not looney bin rants. If I search a dictionary I want the etymology of a word not a conspiracy theory about how language is an illuminati plot to cover up human telepathy.

ok I am pulling this out of the greys just for the What the fuckery....

I think the complaint has been that aside from having a squad and saying the word feminist she hasn’t been active in fighting for equality except on issues that very specifically might affect her now or down the line. So,it’s still all about her and putting a cool label on herself and not as a greater cause.

Let me decide what is real

Possible. She could also be all those things and still be a good friend to someone. People are complicated.

I think she could be a bit of both. People aren’t all good or all bad. Sometimes we do nice things, sometimes we don’t. She’s probably not THAT bad, but I don’t think she’s an angel either. I mean, celebs are egomaniacs. That’s how you become a celebrity in the first place.

what country do you think this is? this is america, where corporations have more rights than people. where people get slapped with million dollar fines or 20+ years in jail for pirating music. the lawmakers are scum and always have been.