
See: that Ticketmaster settlement from a few years ago. Crap concerts, nowhere near me, and dozens of $2 coupons. Gee, thanks.

Actually the first comment is requesting you to proofread your post before publishing.

Probably not as exciting as you think:

What’s so bad about silence?

if only cars had some way to listen to music media other than the radio...

Rationality isn’t the strongest point of the minds of delusionals and conspiracists; it makes sense to them is all there is to say about that I think...

Obviously the creator created the whole universe.

So you have stopped taking your meds again?

pay for youtube? LOL

Except that it was indeed known. Engineers, factory workers, airmen, ground crews, tower personnel, military analysts, Congresional oversight committees...all knew about it. maybe the press didn’t...but those people did.

However “Hey were building a new variant of an existing helicopter” is a pretty small secret, and

Now playing

Look how fast this balloon looks, compared to the background- shot from a moving object. Relative perspective can be deceiving.

well i’m not doing that. but good to know.

You become an evolution denier when drunk?

You lost me at didn’t evolve. I was an Anthro major for a few semesters, the timeline thing... Not a thing. It’s probably a great talking point for the uninformed. But it’s not something supported by available evidence.

“The government won’t allow it.”

So I hung in there through the “we didn’t evolve” and the “extream love”, but had to tap out at “Asians are super creative.”

To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.

gawd damn yer sooper smart and you knowin’ all them fellers “in the know” is, I guess, supposed to be impressive ... right?

i considered taking this out because i knew how mad it would make people but now i’m really happy i left it in

wait, I DO HOPE for this.