Next, we are going to steal, *pause for effect*, THE MOON!
Next, we are going to steal, *pause for effect*, THE MOON!
I hate to say this but... who the fuck is James?
A smug, self-satisfied walking bowtie with a fetish for greatness in the Napoleonic sense. A living avatar of The Ivory Tower. A giddy hashish-man living in a fictional world of the rational right. He's so divorced from reality that I struggle to imagine he has any real friends apart from those who would exploit him…
Most reviewers have a bad habit of reviewing games based on the initial visceral reaction rather than the critical merit of a game. It renders most game reviews rather useless, and it's part of the reason that audiences so greatly diverge from reviewers on games with deep gameplay (such as SimCity) but often agree…
Huma Abedin, actual complex human being.
You know what I respect (respect, not necessarily agree with or condone) is that she seems to have remained the 'hero of her own story'. Whatever else I might think of her or her situation, I truly believe that Huma is doing exactly what Huma is choosing to do, and that's why…
If Fassbender was a girl this site would have written a very different paragraph about that comment...personally I don't care because Ian McKellen can do no wrong (and also it wouldn't be a big deal) but just saying.
For me it's women who insist on dating only tall men, especially when those women are themselves are hypocritically super short, like 5 foot nothing. The worst are ones who specify exact height requirements (he must be at least 6'2") the way men recite female measurements. And their reasoning is always bullshit -…
Just in time for summer wedding/funeral/hot-dog-eating-contest/hot-dog-themed funeral/funeral-themed wedding season,…
Spirit animals have been a part of shamanistic cultures all over the world (as another commenter pointed out earlier). Not just Native American spirituality.
Whose culture? Spirit animals have been a part of shamanistic cultures all over the world, including pre-Christian Europe.