I played with my daughter and then knitted in the bedroom for a bit and then took a long shower. When it was over, I read my Twitter feed, felt relieved that it went pretty well, and went to bed.
I played with my daughter and then knitted in the bedroom for a bit and then took a long shower. When it was over, I read my Twitter feed, felt relieved that it went pretty well, and went to bed.
Or the whole “let’s have a terrorism drill. What? Everything went to shit? Better cancel any further drills so we don’t get embarassed again!” bullshit.
To be fair, he wanted it there because it was a convenient place to cheat on his wife.
The guy who brags about paying no taxes while the rest of us bear the tax burden of the country because we’re not “smart” like he is. Yeah, he totally gives a shit about the average American.
I’m rather proud of the fact that even the fundamentalist, anti-gay, anti-welfare welfare collectors in my bloodline are going “Shit, this guy? Seriously? This was the best we could come up with?
“I could have been a meanie, but I wasn’t. Can I be president now?”
Yes! He said they were mean! ITS HIS OWN WORDS! THE WHOLE THING! This is what I screamed at the tv.
I was talking about how sexist Trump is to my dad, and he was like, Hilary is, too. I was like...how??? Give me an example.
Based on her comments tonight, I honestly think she has a “look in the mirror, Donald” type of response ready for him if he brings up any of Bill’s cheating scandals.
I would, but I ate it already. He didn’t deserve it.
My dad is an engineer. The Trump gold vending machine and touring Pitbull’s neighborhood took precedence over good god damn sense.
Did you see him in the spin room afterwards? One of the reporters asked him about what he said about not paying taxes and he flat out said he hadn’t said that. WTF!?
He’s truly such an asshole that he honestly expected applause for briefly flirting with decency.
I don’t think we need to forever be in the mode that nothing she does can be good enough. She beat his ass; he’s not going to do better; he HAS to do better to win.
Let’s not forget that Captain Fucko over there cheated on at least one of his wives.
I don’t see how anyone can honestly be undecided. What the hell is going on in this country?
I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.
To be fair, he took the barely disguised anti-semitism route with Stewart.
OMg this asshole. I think Clinton baited him and he is gonna come back to the next debate with horrible shit to attack her with.