
I feel fine cursing at severely injured people in the back of my ambulance, and I couldn’t imagine talking like this to anyone, especially a kid.

Also, Bennett is listed on the seahawks roster as 6-4 274. His 40 isn’t great for a DE, but if he doesn’t want to be caught, they would have to shoot him.

I don’t like what is happening... but I need to know.

Its more...

I believe that three white guys walking together is called a “congressional committee”

Bradley, when used correctly, can keep the team ticking over in the midfield and lead the press. He should not be #1 on the team sheet, but he is a very useful player for the national team. Omar, on the other hand, is absolutely worthless. A knocked over trash can will give fewer scoring opportunities to the


He is way too black and too smart for steeler nation.

Its iron city, all the way.

and dick yuengling is a big trump fan.

It IS a shrine. Its just 8000 ft down on the floor if the indian ocean.

I really like Tomlin, but he needs to engage with Belichick on that level.


This really needed to be included in the post.

If you are going to post bits from local radio shows, just go full stanley p kachowski.

Like I said earlier in the comments, Pittsburgh is not one large city. It is 20 small ones all jammed together. So people are nice, and fairly racist, and the food is uncomplicated and good.

Thats really the north side, if its the max’s I’m thinking about.