You would think that a steeler bar would be a good place for ex-pats to connect, but no. Every yinzer dipshit turns the bar into a blooddome for proving how much of a “real pittsburgher” you are.
You would think that a steeler bar would be a good place for ex-pats to connect, but no. Every yinzer dipshit turns the bar into a blooddome for proving how much of a “real pittsburgher” you are.
The Azteca isn’t really a neutral site for the raiders.
The people of that city will buy you a salad with fries on it, and I just can’t handle that level of earnestness.
And they have food trucks.
The biggest problem is that people refer to Pittsburgh as an actual city of a million or so. That is not true. Pittsburgh is a weird geographic cluster of about 25 towns that have about 50,000 people in them.
Hello clipboard, my old friend
The question is how the trailer broke down in the first place
The trick, Mr trump, is not minding that it hurts.
There is no way to hurry an investigation that could end a presidency. It all must be done to the exact letter of the law, otherwise it is just a political power move, and not the return of the rule of law.
If you think that Ryan is a spineless coward now, just wait until the comically dysfunctional trump administration lands on him and cheetolini’s supporters start flaming him.
Elway needs to take shooting lessons from his secondary.
Personally, I hope its more Gaddafi.
Two years ago I moved from a place with fall to a place without it, and I have never been happier.
I had a feeling. One of my other comments on this is “This is the definition of Poe’s law”
The largest problem with this kind of analysis is that it relies on (mostly)humans to judge what is good and what is bad, which usually equates to a popularity contest.