Carl hiaassen books sell because they work as beach reads.
Carl hiaassen books sell because they work as beach reads.
We have top men working on it. Top men.
Actually, I would have liked that casting, even though syriana is one of my favorite movies.
These doctors told a tib fib.
To your point- yes. I did not like the statement he made on this, but I think lebron has really grown into his role in the last couple of years. He had a great appearance on the daily show before stewart left that really impressed the fuck out of me. He has an understanding of politics and PR that is above most CEOs,…
#1 Good luck getting Ted “the congress works for the white house” Yoho to vote yes.
Absolutely. If pence goes with trumpy, which I don’t think happens, ryan will be able to consolidate. If trumpy goes alone and pence is under investigation, then every backroom deal becomes a possibility.
Its more than that. Orrin Hatch is 4th in line for the presidency. Its a long shot, but he could actually become president if Muller’s investigation goes where I think it will and he can convince paul ryan to not take the position.
The only decent thing about trumpy is that his never ending scandals are educating me. I know what you are talking about because I did some research into road construction after reading an article about a likely fraudulent trump deal with the leader of Azerbaijan and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The ghost of U.S. Grant?
The cathedral at peppis is the way to go, but the larger point is that pittsburgh is not a sandwich mecca.
As an individual, I don’t hope very often. 9 months in afghanistan and years of working first response have removed most of jack’s optimism.