
Save it for the rick dome, E.B. white.

This team is gonna have a spectacular revelation when they discover that big rom gets constipated against big teams, and that he is next to useless against compact, defensive sides. He’ll score 5 against huddersfield or swansea, but if you deny rom the ability to run at the goal, he has problems.

Well, shit.

I don’t know who or what a master poodler is, but spring is usually busy. Mardi gras lasts about a week before fat tuesday, French quarter fest is the first weekend of april, and jazz fest is the last week of april and first week of may. There are smaller events dotted inbetween. The temperature is decent in the

It seems like there has been more competition for that title in the last couple of years.

Thats why it is impressive.

Wait, what?

Much of my extended family is in philly, though I was born and raised in pittsburgh. I have been to at least one game at every stadium that has existed there over the last 20 years. My most recent event in philly was a soccer game at the linc during the “copa america centenario” last year.

That is a perfect representation of philly.

Exactly one decade earlier, that scenario happened to me on the other side of pennsylvania, except less baking.

Its OK, but I think that the constant use of amnesia to keep the same actors is getting stale.

He has a third option- Play hard at liverpool, Bite someone at the world cup, then end up at barca.

Right now, you can watch the episodes that have played on TV so far(3) on adultswim.com.

Quick question. If you were asked to kill the jerry from your reality, would you take the contract? What if your reality’s rick asked you?

This season has been amazing. Not only did they perfectly reproduce the internal dynamics of the trump white house,(Gentlemen, Gentlemen, there’s a solution here you aren’t seeing)they also have added a sense of consequence that makes the shows emotional moments hit much harder.

And come visit us in New Orleans. Its really neat and will be gone soon.

The easiest counterpoint to “jazzfest sucks” is WWOZ’s livewire.