Because washington views loss of power as more significant that jail time.
Because washington views loss of power as more significant that jail time.
Maybe Lincoln loves cool james?
That is kind of a false premise. First of all, US policy pre and post WWII are wildly different. Secondly, the largest and most significant success was the establishment and maintenance of the lowercase-l liberal commercial order that has given the US and its allies all of this cheddar. The US has done plenty of dumb,…
Congress actually votes like that a lot, its just that those votes are rarely hyped. In this case, both parties needed to persuade their members to vote in order to get a veto proof majority, given the way trumpy has approached the issue. In addition, this vote gives congress more power, and they never vote that down.
Its the “man”, not the republic.
Yeah, the republican party has become home base for an astonishing amount of bile, idiocy, and rage, but that’s what happens when you encourage hate to win elections.
You are absolutely right to not worry about trumpy.
Right. He said those things, but like every time he opens his putin-fellater, its all bullshit. He tells the room what they want to hear, regardless of how stupid, racist, or incorrect. The key thing is following through on what you promise. If you just tell random asshats what they want to hear, your goals will…
Israel is the reason that you are looking for.
It would be very satisfying to cram his whole family in there along with a dozen gold “trump” signs and fire it like grapeshot, but I fear the accuracy would fall too much, and we don’t want to take a chance with this operation.
and the generals are very aware of that. From an AP article:
First of all, I don’t think trumpy wants that. He says it at rallies, but he says a lot of shit at rallies. What you have written is sort of an amalgam of the entire, fractious republican party. Ryan wants to kill the safety net and boost business, but he could care less about social issues, would maintain trade and …
Chris Christie, is that you?
It bothers the crap out of this former Marine, and I trust Mattis with my life. Civilian control of the military is a fundamental part of this country, and any movement towards politicization or autonomy needs to be greeted with extreme suspicion.
I think thats the wrong metaphor- A tornado is organized wind. This administration is more like a sandstorm or forest fire. Shit is happening, and we aren’t sure where its going to next, so we need to keep everyone out of any possible path.
Apparently there is a mcdonalds corporate chef that is a big fan of rick and morty and sorta pushed this through. He even commented on the reveal on twitter.
I only realized that after I posted it. Anyways, he’s too busy with his law blog to take on any new clients.
I have zero problems with what you just said. I was only contesting the unsurpassed and unprecedented. All of those things that happened to the north american natives happened in similar ways to africans, indians, south american natives and others. The only reason why the americas were first is because africa had the…
A lot of very smart people thought that the appalling slaughter and devastation of the civil war would fix, or at least help that problem. We would have to come to terms with what had happened and why, and the country could then move on, having recognized and addressed our sins, for lack of a better term.