
Don’t be too hard on yourself- I have a BA in international relations, and spent a lot of time reading about russia and china when I was in the USMC, so I have more knowledge than most. Demographics is a massively important part of politics, international stability and economics, though it gets overlooked. China has

America absolutely created trump, but lets be clear- only the democratic party tried to destroy him, and they did so ineffectually.

Actually, the chinese ideal was one kid because of their population. In the USSR, there was an aggressive push to have more kids to make up for the losses during WW II. Essentially, the state agreed to provide everything- it was the father, both philosophically and materially. Russia is still trying to get people to

Despite appearing on reddit, the 80-20 rule is a real, researched thing. It hasn’t been researched with sex in mind, but it is a real statistical concept.

I can’t tell if you mean AC or inter, but I appreciate the joke all the same.

I think that there are several smart centrist democrats and republicans who are preparing for the demise of the republican party following Muller’s first indictments.

This is a haisley article. It would be more surprising if he was correct.

He also got sloshed there, and then drove. Before that he got sloshed at manchester united.

The fact that it will not be built has almost nothing to do with the serious legal and physical challenges of creating that barrier.

Don’t forget that tests and procedures are not like wendys- you need an MD in a field roughly corresponding to your illness to make the right choices about what you need, otherwise you are ordering in mandarin from a menu of treatments, of which maybe 20% wont kill you.

Sean Spicer has already submitted a resume to the intercept.

That is the main reason that mccain is so insufferable. He has always been desperate to live up to the family name, yet incapable of doing so.

Outside leaks can’t melt steel beams

Its “Intelligent Design” but with politics. Doesn’t matter how much evidence, doesn’t matter how many missing links are found.

I am only two years younger than both of you, and you do seem a little old fashioned. Maybe its because I spent my war time in Afghanistan - Its the conflict that the cool kids talk about.

Brutal, yet accurate.

Uh, west ham at spurs? Its at wembley, the 75,000 seat national stadium- White Heart Lane is currently being rebuilt.