
Tldr: Stop nerd shaming you fat piece of shit.

In that aspect, you go can fuck right off !

Y, he’s a great actor. I hope to see him in many more movies. I loved speed racer and Quintin terintino movies. This one should be good. That dumb jameela said it’s a matter of white privilege when many other skin colored people (sports players most notably) get away with rape all the time. I don’t think his skin

Talk about black privilege.. a white person could never be as racist as this Damien author. You’re lucky you get to express your hated so freely. Well I hate you Damien. You disgust me.

You sound so damn ignorant.. you “grown folk”

So fucking racist !! “ bark at white people” ?! What the fuck is wrong with you ?!

You’re so racist. These are people.. not “white” or “black” people. Just people. It has nothing to do with race or privilege..

“people of color” “ probably a white person..” you’re racist my friends. How dare you assume skin color. Aren’t we past all this segregation yet ?

I love manga, but now I like it a little less.. both her and her hubby disgust me greatly. I’m sad to hear about this.

Now this is a terrible experience. I agree that was racist and ignorant. You’re better off without that hate around you.

Wait. It’s racist to say “black” now ? Sounds like you need a bubble to hide in if that one hurt your feelings. Saying he met a black person is so far from racist. If there was more he said I can understand but it sounds like he made a statement and then you provoked him and began neglecting him in game. I believe

You say so much hate and then say “embrace love” you’re the worst hypocrite of them all.

You’re such a terrible person..So when are you gonna hurt a bunch of people. I’ll be sure to avoid you.

Stop preaching hate.. anyway I doubt any Trump voters have any regret. He was still the better option. Giant douche or turd sandwich. I’m just grateful Trump is making a difference.

I like Supergirl but the terrible lesbian drama shoulda ended after the first kiss.. hardly beloved..

Omg fuck your advertising popups. Seriously..