Whatever. If a Norwegian doesn’t medal in the winter games they’re shot on the spot.
Whatever. If a Norwegian doesn’t medal in the winter games they’re shot on the spot.
I...knew it? He must be like their Samson. I bet if you shave it off he gets drunk off of three beers and ruins his brats.
That’s Matt Hamilton... and he is, in fact, from Madison, WI.
I canceled BP years ago when they destroyed the Gulf.
Breaking: US men’s curling beats Canada. Canada is officially in mourning.
Ladies and gentleman, that is the conclusion of overtime. The gold medal will now be decided by a shootout.
Cross country skiing is absolutely one of, if not the, hardest sports. I’ve done running, mountain biking, downhill skiing, etc, etc. Cross country skiing will kick your ass harder than any of that shit, I guarantee it. About the only thing I can think of that would be harder would be something like ultra-marathons.…
Yeah, this fucking woman is old enough that she was taught in school to get under her desk when the Russians nuked us. Ignorant piece of shit.
And back in my day, Republicans used to *like* the FBI. It’s bizarro world!!
Thank god for skijoring. Go doggy, go!
This is the staggering thing to me, too. It’s not like we’re talking about interference from Zimbabwe or Somalia or Colombia. It’s fucking Russia. Were these people in a coma in the 1980s? Haven’t they seen Rocky IV? The USSR was Public Enemy Number 1 (at least until the first gulf war).
1) the snide way he says “women”
Congrats ladies! Hell of a way to break the streak!
“I’m not even mad about the idea, because it’s not going to happen. I am not going to waste my emotion on it.”
She is already a stronger person than I am in forgiving that monster who murdered her child. The very thought of him being allowed into his son’s life is sickening.
I really try very hard to consider rehabilitation as something that is possible in all cases. I think our prison system is fucked up. I think people deserve second chances.
Sean Hannity is as good at what he does as any shady storefront preacher and I can imagine the people caught in the gravitational pull of his oversized head screaming “hallelujah” at his version of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Not to be cynical, but after 20 years...