
You can’t really speak that way about the Queen’s Consort.

The funny part is most white people wouldn’t even consider him white - he looks pretty “exotic” compared to my pastiness. Trump’s America would stop him and ask for his papers and ICE would already be called. But he got a pass with racists because he murdered a black boy and brags about it to this day.

His ongoing freedom his offensive. There is little he could say or do that could make me hate him more.

“I don’t trust what’s reported by multiple media organizations that follow strict editorial and factchecking processes, but if some dude with a laptop and a bunch of $8 domains mad-libs some shit that doesn’t come close to passing the smell test and can be easily debunked but confirms my biases against blacks,

My 86-year old Jewish mother would beat me with her cane if she saw “Latke Starter” in my kitchen.

Pretty easy to break this play book down; Betting pool amongst the players. You’re welcome.

there are three times it is acceptable for a man to cry:


In other news, the U.S. Golf Association announced its HOA Apprenticeship Program. 

I’m guessing it happened before he was Redneck King of the Upper Midwest.

As punishment, Gronk will have to coach the Giants the rest of the season.

...and then they complain when the only doctors they can get for the local hospital are Indians with thick accents and funny names.

It’s like saying “we need to examine this puddle more closely to see how deep it is”

I guarantee that these are the kinds of dudes who lament the fact that all the literate young people leave Northwest Iowa for Des Moines or Omaha at the very least, if not the Twin Cities or Chicago.

Thanks for the write-up. Couple of questions...

I get more of a Jason Mendoza vibe from Gronk:

Paula Cole’s follow up single was clearly not as good.