That’s not how any of his done.. - Lollapalooza
That’s not how any of his done.. - Lollapalooza
How’d he pay for bail, was it via a fyre sale?
Why do these people always use the ALL CAPS on the most random words? That’s how I know I’m dealing with wypipo.
Fatherland First has now been downgraded from “Neo-Nazi hate group”to “Nazi Cosplay Enthusiast Club.”
TRUE. The fart residue alone could kill a goat.
I knew white supremacists were among the blunter tools in the shed but dam...they are making room temperature butter look sharp.
How much do you want to bet that most of those commenters claim they hate Muslims because of their treatment of women?
I would want to ask how can you be that stupid but I’ve seen an EDL march.
Nice Celebrity II: James Garner once apologized for almost flattening me with a golf cart. P.S. I’m old. P.P.S. Google young James Garner, he was a total hunk. P.P.P.S. Only olds say “hunk.”
Jesus. You have to be a special level of white to even consider the possibility that a country built on whiteness, with whiteness as it’s beating heart and soul since Day One, bent on preserving white superiority, is somehow now seeing that whiteness threatened...not by people vying for that superiority, but for…
I wish I was smart enough to know how to screengrab a Tweet, but Clara Jeffrey astutely said this morning, “If universities have to get rid of any remaining affirmative action programs they should have to eliminate legacy preferences too.”
I think Welsh learned that while it’s not against the law to share stuff on social media, it is against department policy*.
You had me at Ingaliish.
Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.
This guy was very casual about posting this kind of stuff and these people worked together everyday. This guy was the assistant chief, sorry but there is no way the chief, and probably lots of other officers, didn’t know this dude was a crazy racist and they were all OK with it enough to not do shit until the public…
Well, I’m sorry for what happen
They knew what they were doing when they asked him about Trump’s tweets on transgender troops. They cannot claim innocence when they setup the “joke”. They’re Billy Bush.
such a damn shame that violence towards women is still a joke and acceptable...and YES..transgender women ARE women
Some of the most powerful men in the world just got tricked into corresponding with a troll because they didn’t verify a fucking email address. Our computer security is a joke thanks to incompetent politicians and demanding back doors into everything.