
I think it’s a fantastic edition. If a group approaches and says “Hey, we feel marginalized and ignored. How can we fix this?” and the response is to negate their experience, fuck you. While I think the gay community as a whole has SO MUCH MORE to work on, this is a start and part of an effort (by some- not everyone

I feel guilty every single time I order from Amazon :(

This article alludes to what I suspect: Amazon is trying to corner the market in upscale neighborhoods where lots of people don’t own cars (like mine). Since I sold my car in September, Amazon Prime has been a lifesaver. I also live a couple blocks from a Whole Foods. At any given time, you can walk down the halls of

I feel you. I pretty much heard the analogy as “it’s a hastle sometimes, but I deal with it because I enjoy her company.” Which is 100% how I think my friends and family feel about going out to eat with me.

And yet straight kids are never told to “keep their lives private.”

My Breville oven and a coffee maker. That’s all I need. Ditched the microwave.

Apparently it ain’t cheap to look that shitty.

Stake president’s daughter seems to be doing all right too, especially with a dad like that.

Dear Savannah’s parents: you’re doing it right. Dear stake president: you are not.

I can’t even count how many times I have had to point out to white Bay Area “liberals” on my Facebook feed that MLK was arrested 30 times. They seem to believe “civil disobedience” is silently holding a picket sign in a location that isn’t too visible.

Good dad too. I’ve known him for about fifteen years and he and her mom are about as loving and supportive as it gets. I saw his pictures from Pride with them all wearing their matching t-shirts and I’m still talking about it online so I guess it was pretty damn cute.

Democrats held several hearings on the ACA and debated it on the floor for 25 days

We need to find out who’s ungreying all the assholes. I’m pretty sure it’s one person. Is there any way to see who is recommending them? Everything this troll says is straight out of the Trumpster fire (including the poor grammar).

Ha, ha. The MLK “I have a dream” reference is priceless.

I will never cease to be impressed by the amount of racist white people who truly seem to believe that Martin Luthor King Jr., were he still alive, would be on their side.

What this little girl was starting to feel is called “compassion.” Not to mention “empathy.” It comes natural to the human species. Until it is snuffed out by adults.

I get that no one can be 100% right on every issue, and I’m sure I have blind spots of my own. But enthusiastic support for Black Lives Matter needs to be one of the core precepts of American liberalism. Anything less is contrary to basic human rights and decency.

She said she ‘felt bad about being white.’ And that ‘police lie and do bad things.’”

Seriously. If, as a white person, you look at the slogan “Black Lives Matter” and think “Wait a minute! Why aren’t they talking about how much I matter!” Then you need to rethink a lot of things, starting with ways you benefit from white supremacy and ending somewhere around the “the world doesn’t revolve around you”

Folks: If the sentiment “Black Lives Matter” gives you pause -if you think for some reason that those three words, in that order, are problematic -then you don’t get to call yourself a liberal anymore. I don’t care where you stand on any other issue, you need to go sit with the Trumpicans and KKK members (but I repeat