So when are we going to ban white guys? Or husbands??
So when are we going to ban white guys? Or husbands??
Uuuuugh at what point will we just adapt blanket binge drinking days without any historical/national ties? That seems like a better idea than co-opting a legitimate holiday as an excuse to hit up the bars. (This is what has happened with St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo in most places, no? It mostly seems like…
“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”
“Well he’s a lazy millennial so he deserved it.
Congrats on finishing grad school! That’s a big one!
Go out on the town!
I re sodded half my backyard yesterday and today does that count?
Congratulations so much! That’s a great accomplishment! My brag is that I stood up for myself this week when I got put in a bad and difficult position at work. This is big because I have a very hard time doing that, thanks to growing up with a narcissist beast family who never stopped being shitty to me. But I did it…
We had frost Tuesday night. I can’t even. *throws hands in the air*
Watch any TVs or movies you’ve been putting off because they aren’t child friendly.
Got the rest of our garden planted.
Congratulations! I finished designing a part that has been stress-haunting my dreams, got lots of work on a mentorship program for young scientists knocked out, and the diet my doctor put me on is making me sicker, so I get to eat delicious food again like pizza!
What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.
Thank you for writing about eating disorders. Men suffer, too, but don’t get the support they need (see the immature comments already posted). Food is a fucking tough addiction because you literally cannot live without it.
The fact that he was a sociopathic murderer actually does makes his suicide much less sad than, say, the suicide of a normal person that never felt the need to kill someone over a spilt cocktail.
And how many wads of unmarked, non sequential cash did he shove into each of their pockets and then give a hand job to? Or two handjobs and fellito? Or a handjob and then stuffed them (may or may not have been with cash)?
I dunno, I think it’s a good idea to read a bill before you vote on it, even if it is as you describe.
Curt, just because you weren’t personally there, doesn’t mean there wasn’t someone screaming racist things.