That’s his life plan.
That’s his life plan.
Yeah, we currently live in St Paul.
Exactly. He’s not a good businessman or negotiator. I guarantee you that he had lawyers and other experts do all the negotiating and he just showed up for the final signing/handshake meeting.
Glad to bring some joy to you with my substandard typing and editing skills.
I agree on these articles. I do contract negotiation and love reading these nerdy articles about financial incentives, deal structure, and termination clauses.
They talked about his capital on NPR today. He apparently has quite a bit with some factions of the party because of his unspeakably grosteque popularity in some districts. And there is an element of fear with regards to ridiculous twitter rants.
If we end up moving, it’s going to be into that asswipe’s district.
Given his complete and utter lack of knowledge about how government works, he probably thinks he controls the legislative agenda.
I negotiate contracts for a living. It is my actual job. The biggest piece of leverage you have is a legitimate Plan B. You have to have an alternative course of action. In real business dealings, you can’t just take your toys and walk away like a fussy child. He’s a shitty negotiator.
Nah, drugs and apathy.
I went to a small liberal arts school. We once elected 3-legged cat student body president.
Was his access to Wikipedia cut off?
My son (almost 13) lied yesterday. He didn’t get ice cream after school because liars don’t ice cream. My husband told him that.
I’ll never understand why some shows seem to get criticism and no chance to succeed while other shitshows exist out there that deserve it so much more.
The name was horrible but the reaction was over the top. And Cho was great in that role. I also liked the nice neighbor who had friends and a “real” while being a decent person.
He was very good in Selfie. I really liked that show.
When I was doing triathlons, peanut butter and banana sandwiches were my go to pre-race food. I still eat them before going on training rides. They are perfect.
It’s haaaarrrrddddd.
I can’t remember the last time I watched Netflix. Between Hulu, Sling, and Amazon, I don’t see the need for it. Their original programming hasn’t won me over and the movie selection isn’t that great. However, my kids would revolt if we cancelled.
As a corporate peon, I laughed until I cried. Especially at the one about the special project. That hit way too close to home.