I learned this from a local place that has really good salads - a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper. When you say, it seems logical but I never made the connection until I watched them prepare a to-go order.
I learned this from a local place that has really good salads - a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper. When you say, it seems logical but I never made the connection until I watched them prepare a to-go order.
My husband bought me a Paperwhite for Christmas. I loaded a few “real” books on there but it’s mostly historical romances and modern romanaces.
Schitt’s Creek is a god damn treasure.
My trashy novel consumption has skyrocketed since the election.
I couldn’t believe it was only Wednesday. I’ve all ready been two hours of meetings today and I want punch something or someone.
Cuteness aside (btw, super cute), this week cannot end fast enough.
Exactly. Most of the places on that list require a level of experience and competence in hiking that the average person probably doesn’t have.
I just used up the last of those today! I feel dirty.
He did at one point (donated it to locks of love) and people still thought he was a girl. He hasn’t gone through puberty so he has a baby face which reads as feminine to most people.
Yes. Sadly, I do.
The same kind of judgmental assholes who think it’s their job to harass my son about his long hair and accost him in the mens’ room.
Good luck and have fun trying!
Take care! There were plenty of people out there.
Got an ACLU membership as b-day present. Donated to Al Franken’s PAC to help Dem senators defend their seats.
It was legitimately nice. There were families and tons of funny signs. No hotdish, though.
Feel better soon! Colds suck.
Thanks for the rundown!
Yes. We’ve had the weirdest winters the last three years. Global climate change is real.
Agreeing with the folic acid suggestions. Just start a prenatal vitamin now. Even if you don’t conceive for a bit (which is totally common) it’s great for the hair and nails.
I’m going tomorrow to get yarn for brain hats! My kids (total nerds) want them for the pro-science/anti-Trump march.