
Sometimes the littlest accident has the most desirable consequences.

I have fitness goals around specific events this year - a bike ride and a triathlon specifically. I find signing up and committing money as soon as possible helps with maintaining motivation. Also, the overwhelming fear of looking ridiculous.

Not only is it raising awareness about the bank’s funding but it is a giant middle finger to US Bank in a stadium that they were instrumental in getting built. And they are a corporation that is very invested in their good public image.

Yes. Casino Royale is my favorite (I’ve seen all of the Bond movies) because it is the first where’s he actually tough and scary. Plus, the beach scene because the female gaze is a thing.

My swearing has decreased because it really bothers my daughter. She yells at me when I do.

I’m almost 44 and need to do the same. Less drinking and more sweating. And probably more swearing.

One kid is off to a sleepover. The other kid and I are going to eat popcorn and watch Civil War on Netflix while my husband does end of year reports. Then bed because I have a race in the morning.

Bingo. My kids actually go bed really well. There’s no way I’m screwing with that. They had trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve and then got up early for presents by seven pm things were off the rails. Nope. Not again.

I’m running a 5K on New Year’s Day so NYE’s will be quiet. We are slowly getting our house ready to sell - it’s a loooong process.

Same here. I’ve tried talking to her about puberty and menstruation but she freaks out and shuts down. All I know for certain is that if she has a fraction of the pain I did with ovulation and cramps, it’s off to the ob/gyn instead of dismissing her like my mom did to me.  

Nah, I know it’s pretty weird. Especially given the way I took to drinking in college. I went to public school in the 80's so I was steeped in “just say no”/DARE rhetoric. Plus, I was a total dork in high school so I didn’t have opportunities then.

I’ve let my kids’ schedules slip a bit over Christmas vacation but no way are they staying up to midnight. I don’t know about anyone else’s kids but mine would be unholy terrors for days if they missed that much sleep. Plus school starts again and that’s going to be painful enough in the morning. For me, it has

When I read it, one of those strangled laugh/cry noises escaped.

This is sadly an excellent point.

Yeah, I tried to figure a short hand way to cover cocaine/acid/meth/etc and “street/illegal” was all I could come up pre-coffee. I’m actually pro-legalization. I was a criminal defense attorney and saw first hand the carnage being arrested for simple possession could visit on someone’s life. Not to mention the cost

I just finished reading a book written about ten or so years ago. In one section, a young man who spent his life in poverty ended up in a very old and very wealthy home. The character’s inner voice was something like - this is real money and power not that fake showy Trump stuff. The author actually used Trump as a

Nope. No street/illegal drugs of any kind.

We are trying. Our family had some really good conversations about sexism in the workplace when my husband was hiring and his boss was treating the women differently than the men. I’m also pretty upfront about crap I experience.

I usually get mine on sale at Target. They have trial sizes too.

Thanks! I messed up both my shoulders swimming so I’ve been doing a lot of cycling but I’ve decided that I need to get back into multi-sport. I’m doing a 5k on New Year’s Day and then pushing to a duathlon in late April/May.