
My older kid had night terrors when he was three/four years old. They were so horrible to see. He would cry and scream and thrash around and call for us. There was one that went on and on and we were very scared he would hurt himself. I even contemplated taking him outside to shock him awake as it was

Only slightly off-topic, I found out a few days ago that a woman who I used to work with lost her husband back in September. He had a massive fatal heart attack. I knew him slightly and they have three young-ish children. I would like to express my sympathy but given that it has been almost 3 months, I’m not sure

For my first job out of college I had to carry a pager!

I’ve had a few location enforced phone bans and they’ve been glorious. In a few weeks, I won’t be allowed to have my phone or other electronic devices for close to three days. I’m giddy with the prospect. I’m an oldish person and I remember being confounded by cell phones and almost crying when I killed my Blackberry.

There’s a local conservative blog, the PowerLine, that’s been beating this drum since Ellison first ran for Congress. The founder HATES Ellison. He has been saying all of this stuff for years. I was surprised that it wasn’t referenced in this article as the statements and “concerns” are almost word for word from their

At 43, I went up a quarter inch. It’s enough to go from rounding down to rounding up.

Jockey French cut underwear was my fave in high school. That was the late 80's to early 90's. It’s a trend that needs not come back. Unless it brings my high school legs and hips back with it.

I know. The mom was so proud.

I wish I could find my daughter’s pre-k and k class lists. She went to a Montessori school and so many names hit the weird spelling, old-fashioned, etc buttons.

My kids used papa when they were little because they liked the sound of it. Now my daughter uses it to manipulate my husband along with puppy dog eyes. But she’s 8. My son uses pops to be funny or ironic. It’s hard to tell which because he’s 12.

Minnesotan here. Both of my kids have gone to school (different ages/schools) with both Axels and Espens. There was also a Bear and twins named Luke and Leia.

Not the Daily Fail! THe Guardian.  

It was the Guardian from 2015.

The school is actually a lot more than that. I read a very long article about it awhile ago and was very skeptical at the beginning of reading but ended up thinking that the school’s model made a lot of sense for certain types of students.

I read a very long piece a year or so ago on her school. It sounded incredible for specific types of students. This quote is really misleading about the school which surprises no one.

Midwest. I looked around 8:30 CST. It is really a horrible tragedy.

I have throw in a plug for DonorsChoose. Given who was nominated for Education Secretary, teachers are going to need a lot of help.

It was a huge headline on CNN.com this morning.

Exactly. Fuck these assholes.

An asshole who looooves Trump started carrying on while on a Delta flight. Asked about “Hillary bitches” and was a general loud obnoxious douche. They let him stay on the flight because white male. Delta got a ton of crap over the long weekend and announced today he’s banned for life from their flights. They