We got something similar today about voting. I’m still trying to parse out who my corporate overlords want me to vote for because the note was so generic and corporate speak-filled.
We got something similar today about voting. I’m still trying to parse out who my corporate overlords want me to vote for because the note was so generic and corporate speak-filled.
If I remember, she was cut out of the will to a large extent. The money all went to the mom who Tori has a very strained relationship with.
We have a Yoda that would work here. This is seriously making me consider learning these skills.
Livin’ on a Prayer.
I just donated to the DCCC. So I’ve earned that fuck you.
One year, it was -15 on Thanksgiving where I live. I try to strike a balance between fresh (roasted green beans) and heavy (mashed potatoes). Despite my undying love for jellied cranberry sauce on sandwiches, a tart fresh cranberry sauce is really good at cutting the richness of a typical meal.
True. It is quantity over quality Ina lot of respects. Since I have small gatherings, I try to keep the amount of food reasonable but tasty. And have rotated foods in and out of the menu.
If you want turkey, but only have a few people - do a breast! You get the benefits of a turkey with less waste. And all that meat for sandwiches. Plus, they cook a lot faster.
My big issue is finishing things. I almost ever make it through a whole series - I just quit watching new episodes. Like, it won’t be over if it don’t watch the last episodes.
I love it “raw” before it’s cooked. It’s basically a “fall” panzanella salad.
I’m usually watching with my husband and we have very different interests so finding common ground is like finding a unicorn.
Here’s mine that makes a fuckton (but can be halved):
Nuts. Single serve Nutella. Those cheese and crackers packets. Protein vs carbs - one of my kids had hypoglycemia and her doc recommends protein for snacks. When you’re feeling light headed - juice or soda for a quick recovery. String cheese doesn’t need a lot of refrigeration. Also, if you just want a hit of carbs…
Been arguing with the hubs for two days. It’s special.
We are having freaky warm weather so we grilled brats and hot dogs. I’m drinking cheap Chardonnay from Trader Joe’s because I’m classy like that.
I do the search Netflix and give up all the damn time. I’m so indecisive about my viewing choices.
Thank you for the recommendation! I bought them and put them to use last night. Worked awesome. I baked something in my cast iron pan (400 degrees) and I had no issues with hot hands. And they reach almost to my elbows!!
My brother has worked there for over a decade. He only has good things to say about working there. Now, he’s not liked individual managers but that’s normal at any job.
I was so excited to vote in the MA primary. I had ordered an absentee ballot and everything. He was a good person and a worthy candidate.
I was on board with him, too.