I can’t believe we have to re-litigate this, but the 13th Amendment outlawed owning ANYBODY.
I can’t believe we have to re-litigate this, but the 13th Amendment outlawed owning ANYBODY.
It is the duty of a true journalist like Jason to ask the hard questions and pursue those questions no matter where they lead or how difficult the answers. While sure, the subject matter seems frivolous,Jason should NOT move on but should tenaciously dog this subject until the answers are given and the puzzles are…
No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.
He just has to whip himself into shape and make sure his ego doesn’t get bruised if he doesn’t get a majority of the carries. Maybe branch out to accommodate different facets of the offense, you know, switch it up.
“You’re right. We will not defend Tom Brady.” - Atlanta Falcons
“On the surface, a donation to a private high school might not seem like the most humanitarian act imaginable, but that same donation might help the school offer a scholarship to a financially needy student.”
Everything you said was rendered irrelevant when you called Hoosiers a bad sports movie. Two academy award nominations, AFIs fourth best sports film of all time, 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper. You’re letting your partisanship cloud your judgement. Hoosiers is a great sports…
There’s a lot of words in these tweets that I don’t understand.
Don’t let this development ever let you forget that the Atlanta Falcons blew a 25 point lead in the SuperBowl.
Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.
Report: I am not happy about this infinite scrolling.
Does Atlanta need cornerbacks? If so, I would advise them to look elsewhere given Georgia’s history with Shermans.
I don’t buy it. That’s more premeditation than Gronk’s capable of.
I think it was bait to ID white people in the comments
Kenny doesn’t really die anymore, though. But yeah, this was a fundamental misunderstanding of South Park. Not cool, bruh
“crying every time Cartman dies on South Park.” Kenny dies at the end of every episode. Cartman is the childhood version of Trump.
This comes up all the time, and every single time the answer is the same: over the last 10 years, the Patriots’ win % against the division is very nearly exactly the same as their winning % against the rest of the NFL (around .750).
Interesting that you didn’t write even one word about how that brief contact was more than enough time for Belichick to release his spores into James’ lungs. The gestation of the spores is only a few weeks, so come playoff time I expect LeBron’s DNA to be 50% Belichick. Not sure what that means for the Cavs just…
It can fly over 20% of the way to the moon? Holy shit!