
Kent Mercker was the guy who didn’t like being criticized

That’s Officer Karkovice to you!!

I guess you didn’t watch the video. Or at least the part when SAS says “I’m certainly not as qualified...”

Perhaps you don’t remember what happened to Jose last year?

Nobody ever confused your rec soccer team with something manly.

Oh my! He used a bad word! Heavens!!

Perhaps you would like to go to medical school and then work for below market rates. You know, not helping people out is immoral.

I’m guessing you haven’t tuned into many early Big 10 games. You know, the Northwestern at Purdue type games. If you had you would probably agree Beth Mowins is a no talent with a voice for the newspaper.

Would you ever have the balls to write about “extremely black shit” Samer? I didn’t think so.

Do you really think gender equality extends to basketball talent?

Is every comment on this site going to be awkwardly tied to trump? Good grief, stop.

Your line of thinking is as illogical as Maxine Waters. 

Sure thing, tyrone.

Uh huh. Sure. that happened.

Oh, well if the website is in russian, it must be accurate.

Did you mean to type “byproduct?” Did you have your head up your ass during English class?

Shocked. Tyrone doesn’t like Trump.

That’s quite a leap and I’m not sure how my comment applies to your straw man.

She could always stay home.

You meant to type “might as well” not “mine as well”...pretty educated white dude.