
Remember when you said Trump wouldn’t win? ha ha

Were there errors? Or was this a home run? This is notionally a sports website, right? Are you familiar with baseball, Patrick?

unless that person died of starvation because they refused to work. oh wait, that doesn’t happen anymore.

I only learned on the internet they had a team.

I disagree. Democrats should continue to ridicule this group and lose elections.

Wait, he was forcing people into risky behavior that put them at higher risk for contracting HIV? I missed the story. I think when I was in junior high the health teacher taught us how to avoid HIV. I don’t recall the teacher saying the governor was somehow going to protect me.

The second photo has more democrats?

Who was the last president not to use military force? How is this a hypothetical?

So if this was a real war, and the president lied to you and the public to gain an advantage over a real enemy, you would be upset? Is that your position? I just want to make sure i understand you correctly.

Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. You don’t know for sure either. Do you have a top secret clearance you didn’t mention earlier?

What in the hell are you talking about? Diversions have been used since the dawn of warfare.

Because he needs to be truthful and transparent about military movements?

I agree! And stolen cars should never be driven recklessly!

Let’s be honest, those protesters made up a really crappy song. They weren’t exactly the coolest kids in school now were they?

Most probably wanted Hillary to win, considering how helpful she was to the troops in benghazi.

Wait a second. Who on earth hates baked ziti? Dislike? perhaps I can see that. But hate?

She didn’t like having her flight delayed? What a monster!!

In Chicago bike riders are the worst. They ignore every stop sign and light they see so if they are going in the same direction you are you get to avoid them multiple times. Yet they demand that drivers follow the letter of the law. That was just my two cents on Chicago bicycle riders.

Oh, so kind of like if I own a home but not an automobile, i should have to pay for auto coverage...because of risk pools? You have no clue how insurance works.

Or someone could buy an option that more closely suits their needs. (by the way Beth, some people have different needs)