
RyJo has attitude issues and possibly some other issues that Ribiero may be able to help him deal with. If you catch my snowdrift.

We gotta get you working on the Zapruder film.

Woe is me that there is but one star give...

What, is your floor disgusting? Or do you never travel outside the house?

What we really need to focus on is that only about 8% of people actually want Trump as President. He is polling a -60% favorable as a President. What is the big deal? That we suddenly know who the backwards racists are? Does anyone think Trump will actually survive the primaries? Even if, against all odds, he does,

OMG this is laughable. Bitcoin right now has a market cap of a little over $6B. The US economy ALONE hums along at around $13 Trillion (yeah, more than 2,000 times larger). A long con to screw over the financial system with a published protocol? LOL.

The longer he runs the campaign, the longer he can spend the campaign’s money, probably to hire friends and family to do meaningless shit. Like Anthony Weiner running haphazardly for NYC mayor.

Occam’s Razor applies here. There is no simpler explanation.

The whole time I was thinking the guy was just politely asking what the object in her hand was that had paper bound together with writing on it, seeing as it was the first time anyone at a Trump rally saw a book.

If Kim’s metabolism is a Ferrari, it goes 0-60 in about 4 minutes.

Anyone who shits on nurses is a complete idiot. It’s not their fault Paco Deth can’t negotiate him/herself a decent salary or find a reasonable place to work.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, both he and his brother are named Raoul Mondesi? Way to bury the lede!

Totally incorrect. How could you think sex toddlers and which hole is the clit are real? Clearly done poorly with a mouse in photoshop.