
So you used music that wasn’t yours to use and became shocked and surprised when a corporation stepped in and shut your program down? I mean, it sucks, but what leg do you have to stand on? “We supported Soundcloud for years” by believing in them? You had free accounts. They weren’t making any money off of you guys in

So again you put a time table on how long he was allowed to take heal? 8 months is nothing. Experts in the field say it takes 2-5 years for most people to get back on their feet emotionally. I think you were just sick of feeling guilty for doing something absolutely horrendous. You are lucky he is still with you,

Wow. So you got to cheat and be completely controlling and dictating about his feelings and healing. Aren’t you a real treasure? I promise you his feelings are still there underneath whether he expresses them or not. And cheating never saves any marriage. It is a very selfish act to which there are many, many

Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.

One word, Integrity.

The harm is knowing that doing this will destroy your partner / risk your marriage, and you do so anyway.

You know, more than one person can be at fault in a single situation; it’s not a zero-sum blame game. I don’t condone driving after 7 margaritas, but rofl at everyone rushing to commend someone who didn’t see any problem with bringing a single two-top FOURTEEN margaritas.

Well....no. Not everybody has SKELETONS. There actually are decent people that don’t hurt the ones they love.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.

“A mistake which we all make”? No, we don’t all cheat. That’s a weird generalization.

I’m sorry, fuck that ultimatum by the cheater, especially if they got caught.

This. So much this. “Stuffing down feelings is what led to the mistakes.” No. Nope, nuh uh, no way.

How does her hard work after getting caught cheating make cheating instead of open dialogue the more adult option? How does the concept of relationships for others(even when they read as fantasy) come into play when talking about how stupidly insane it is to say that cheating saved ones marriage instead of dialogue?

I used to think that way, too. In fact, I used to even think that some affairs saved marriages because it made it possible for someone to stay when their sexual needs weren’t getting met.

Just as long as you know you’re entitled to your feelings about what she did. If she can’t deal with them it’s her problem. Peace, dude.

Well, take solace in the fact that what was “the worst period of [your] life” was in fact the thing that “saved your marriage” according to your wife.

Sex, I’d say, isn’t the biggest deal. It’s the lying and feelings of betrayal. But it’s all wrapped up together. If you’ve agreed to have sex with other people, then it’s totally fine. Or if your partner has sex with someone else and then immediately tells you about it, it’s less problematic than if they do it for a

Monogamy is pretty important when kids are involved. The routine, consistency, and stability are pretty necessary for functional children. People without kids may be less sensitive to this, but I don’t see polygamy being a nurturing environment to raise kids in without extensive rules and expectations clearly laid

There are a multitude of idiotic things we learn as we grow up that utter bullshit. Monogamy is one of those. However, unlearning is sometimes a near impossible task. What is needed is a clear understanding of what the two of you are doing. As in, “I know monogamy is bullshit, but I’m too old to unlearn it, will you