
Isn’t it bad enough that Jordan Sargent’s shitty writing is on Gawker? Now we have it on Deadspin, too? Jordan, are Nick Denton and your mom like high school friends or something? You should have been fired a year ago, but weren’t, and you’ve even been given an expanded role despite still sucking at writing.

Tablets don’t fit in people’s pockets and almost everyone carries their phone around. Most people don’t, and don’t want to, carry a tablet around.

No expandable storage, but 64GB means you shouldn’t be worried.

But they’re buying from BestBuy! BestBuy is selling these via eBay.

But they’re buying from BestBuy! BestBuy is selling these via eBay.

Incorrect. It is not a criminal investigation.

Incorrect. It is not a criminal investigation.

Dude, thank you so much. I’m utterly baffled that people are upvoting that post. Yours is like the only informative post here.

This is fucking bullshit. I’m sorry to be brusque here, but you’re obfuscating many, many points here and your main line of defense seems to be that Rice and Powell did it, too. Newsflash: the internet, hacking, and internet security evolved greatly over the years that Rice and Powell were in office. Even if they all

That’s not what’s going on here. She was explicitly told not to use an unsecured server or a blackberry to conduct business, and she did anyway. Her server was absolutely breached by hackers. She attempted to destroy 30,000 emails when the FBI wanted them because she said they were of a personal matter. That has been

See my response below. I’m only slightly hysterical because I can’t believe that this poster is brushing it off as Benghazi-level nonsense, but there’s some meat in there. Be advised that there’s even a lot more to it than I laid out.

Um, Benghazi is nonsense, but the ‘email server nonsense’ is anything but. It’s a criminal FBI investigation. It’s pretty fucking serious. I don’t know if you’re a supporter of hers or not, but if you’re a Democrat and/or are dedicated to not having Trump be our President, you should do some reading about the emails.

Right? I hate Hillary, but being a career-minded workaholic isn’t a bad thing when you want to be POTUS. Millions of people hate her, and it’s for two reasons: those based in sexism, and those based in her policy/demeanor . Brooks completely misses both of them and instead thinks she should like, take up golf or

So, their telephones (from like 10+ years ago?) were bad and their shower shaving mirror (which is a frivolous product, but I digress) had, *gasp*, suction cups on the back! Yep, let’s ignore the reader poll and the mountains of positive reviews on this product because they once sold a mirror with suction cups on the

So, their telephones (from like 10+ years ago?) were bad and their shower shaving mirror (which is a frivolous

You’re attacking my fucking username instead of responding to any of my completely valid points? Jesus Christ. You are full of shit and you know it.

Except Sanders . . . hasn’t been attacked by . . . Hillary.

Dude, calm the fuck down. He didn’t like the trailer and laid out many reasons for not wanting to see this. He did so calmly and with logic. Don’t agree with him? Fine. But seriously, man, chill out. Everything is going to be fine.

I’ll echo the other poster. I’ve had my Galaxy s4 for almost three years and I’ve been using Swiftkey for a while now. You can set the numbers at the top (i think you still have to long-press; or you can set them on the left side and have them always there). The predicted text thing is really nice.

there is no proof he did anything. If he were a child molester, he would’ve most likely struck several times.

Doug Stanhope doesn’t fit Jen Kirkman’s description at all. Further, if you’re familiar with Doug, he absolutely does not give a fuck. He would claim to be this guy just for a laugh and to shut the whole story down.

Al Gore also would have won if he could have gotten only 300 of the 308,000 registered Democrats in Florida who voted for George W Bush to vote for him instead. But go ahead and blame Nader and the only 24,000 registered Dems in Florida who voted for him.