
Remember when Microsoft bought out Rare? Lol.

You seem like a major doucher right about now.

One who douches.

You think he had no idea the word was 'douche'? Embrace playfulness in language!

Whatever, fuck Bioware for this. Bioware's best story beat they did was the Revan reveal and everything else was standard Star Wars cargo cult. Obsidian did amazing and interesting things - KotOR2 was one of the most innovative and interesting pieces of storytelling Star Wars has ever had, in any medium.

The equivalent of DC's comics "New 52" which rebooted some things, but not others, and changed some characters, but not others, and made some stories important from the past, but not others, leaving both new AND old readers utterly confused...

That's no moon...

Didn't read the article did ya.

Why don't you go ahead and try then?

My guess is it will be like the debate we have here over replacing a bridge... "but I already pay enough in taxes for it!" (while completely ignoring that there isn't enough in the hwy funds pay for it - ie, you aren't paying enough)

FWIW, the "2 people working and 7 guys sitting" bit is generally a bad misunderstanding. We have huge water & sewer projects going on and a lot of people blame the unions for the cost for that exact reason - they see one guy working in a trench and two guys "supervising". But safety rules are what govern that, not

You should just go ahead and read the text next time. It's the very first paragraph.

For three years, the Brits weren't laughing. Humo(u)r based on ignorance of your own history is still not funny.

Good grief - you're going to blame unions? Have you seen the lousy quality of work done on those HGTV shows? It's embarrassingly bad.. And you do realize this place operates 24/7, right?

Lucasfilms has erased every last "Expanded Universe" game, novel, comic, and series from the continuity. The only "canon" is the Star Wars films... so, yes, Knights of the Old Republic is no longer canon, but Star Wars: Episode II is....

To make a half-hearted defense, when they built the George Washington Bridge, they didn't have to accomodate all the traffic on the bridge while they were building it.

Here you have a problem where the # of passengers using the toilets doesn't decrease, but you have to repair and upgrade the facilities WHILE they're in

'murica... this shit usually doesn't happen in good old Europe with strict gun control laws. just sayin'

Did you play FF4?

Sorry man, but this remake is actually quite amazing and an improvement over the original. It does the original justice.

The FF6 mobile remake however.... that one is garbage.

Oh excellent. Love the 3D models. I played the originals way back when but these days due to everyone else those 2D sprited JRPGs all look too familiar and samey. I don't know whether or not those low-poly models will look as good on PC but they're fantastic on DS.

No love for xii? Just me?