You have a really low bar for what you consider hilarious.
You have a really low bar for what you consider hilarious.
Well, that's what pretty much all unmoderated Twitch chats look like.
1. A lot of this is pretty fucking awful.
Thanks captain obvious
Sonic 3 & Knuckles was Sonic at his absolute prime for many reasons that are explained in the video I attached below (it's worth a watch). S3&K was worth every bit of hype it received. Seriously; after watching the article's video watch the one I linked below for some solid counterpoints.
I disagree. I thought Hobbit 1 was bad and Hobbit 2 was terrible. I got little entertainment out of it and those expressing opinions that aren't praising a subject material isn't doing it for click bait — they're doing it to express a different opinion. You need to relax.
I do not believe this interpretation. We are not forced to support something we do not like, why not just support what you as an individual like and not support what you don't like. Why do I have to support terrible sci-fi/fantasy movies to drown out fast and furious? Action packed nonsense is action packed nonsense,…
Just because he didn't like one movie? There are more things to life than a bloated sequel to a bloated franchise.
Oh no! Someone hated the Hobbit Movie! How will you EVER cope with that! What an injustice!
Hateful? Right. Sometimes people have strong opinions, and sometimes those opinions differ from yours. I am sure you'll live.
Oh no! Someone has an opinion that you don't agree with! He must be on DRUGS! -_-
Why would you compare the second movie to a Uwe Boll movie? That makes no sense and is not an apt comparison. You know what would be a better comparison? The other four Middle Earth movies directed by Peter Jackson that came before. And compared to those, the second movie could not hold up (although it was pretty…
No. No, that is not what he is saying.
I've spent a long time staring at these cheese sticks O_O I think I'm in love...
You're not funny. Time to stop trying.
"Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist."
It's already feeling over saturated to me. I'm sure it'll be a great movie, but I'm sick of it before even seeing it.
Guardians of the Galaxy is everywhere...*sigh*
This pretty much had to happen.