Yup. You will never be discriminated against in the workplace or denied basic human rights due to your sexuality.
Wait . . . wut?
Yup. You will never be discriminated against in the workplace or denied basic human rights due to your sexuality.
Wait . . . wut?
She's white so i doubt it
Alien 3 was probably the best written, most intelligent movie in the series. FUCK NEWT AND HICKS. I'm glad they're dead...
The amount of emotional investment some people have in this is sad.
I love how someone uses a faulty premise to establish a thought but then kind of passes the buck when pushed on the legitimacy of calling her the most influential
I kept hearing people say, "Well they will start downplaying the Russian thing. They won't even have him bring out the flag or wear the star."
I scoffed at these people. Clearly they've watched a different fake gladiatorial sport over the last 30 years than I have. Vince McMahon and everyone else in the WWE creative…
"lol xD DAE bad star wurs prequealz?! XD!!!"
Yes, WWE tapping into some complex issues, what could possibly go wrong?
You want to talk about offensive, I just read that The Miz won to become the new Intercontinental Champion.
WWE could've tapped into some complex issues...
Remember when Steph compared 9/11 to her dad's federal steroid trial? And did so just days after 9/11.
It works...unless you want the guy he's going over to actually have any sort of credibility afterwards. (See: Wyatt, Bray)
Not just reactionary and know-nothing, but almost overtly racist. And the change was so drastic that it's REALLY hard to buy into them as American heroes after almost a year of being "those racist guys".
When you need an angle absolutely buried and are too lazy to come up with something creative, just hit the "LOLCENAWINS" button.
What I find more offensive is that they've made the know-nothing, reactionary, tea party characters into good guys.
Yeah I'm getting sick and tired of that crap. The set photos from The Phantom Menace looked almost the same as the leaked ones from the Episode VII Tatooine set.
The glimpse at the spacecraft comes in a video that shows director J.J. Abrams on set for the currently-filming sequel. Some fans are saying that this ship is a remodeled X-Wing, while others think it might be a Z-95 Headhunter. Whichever it is, it's definitely not CGI and that's probably a welcome development for…
"ten things you didn't know about mega man" would be her headline. The article would be someone else's video and her with shitty bullet points under it.
So much can turn wrong on those shows.