
It's typical Kotaku quality.

I would add that another reason sportswriters enable or ignore this behavior is that our culture as a whole still treats violence toward women less seriously than other forms of violence. (Look at the current controversy over rape reportage on college campuses, for example.)

Can we all agree this is far better than the original?

I love this!

In case you don't want to watch the video:

As awesome as this is....I think what strikes me more is that after finishing every..last..single friggin' iteration of Resident Evil 1 classic an unrealistic amount of times (and this does include the incredibly awesome GC remake).

*whispers* I didn't like it that much.

Agreed. I don't get the love for Louis C.K.

"I can't say I'm not enjoying it."

You have just ruined the Monday of all the Jezebel readers who totally totally GET black people because they too have felt the pain of systematic discrimination... kind of... from a distance... maybe. They love that one black actress from 12 Years A Slave because she is like, SOOO pretty guys—and real, too!

I was looking at this thinking: "Oh, so 'basic' means 'white'?"

Alright Black People basic bitch is officially dead. Meet me over at #blacktwitter in 2o min to discuss new alternatives, b/c thot is also on it's way out.

Just file it under "Stereotyping Is Fun" and keep moving.

I stopped seeing transformer movies after the first one. They clearly had a "black" autobot...and surprise! He was the first/only one to die in that movie!

I can't say I'm surprised but it's good to have confirmation that perfectly illustrates my point: a character named Jazz takes an interest in "hip hop" and talks like Dolemite, why? Because the actor hired was black which means the character has to be what the white guy who wrote the script (but I promise you Michael

Oh my god, you are so dumb. Do yourself a favor and just... never speak this again. You're just better off not talking.

Umm, the two examples I gave were humans portrayed as clearly (casually) racist caricatures. You can hand-wave away any robot behaviour (even though that doesn't excuse it at all as it's still terrible, lazy and/or offensive writing) - but there's no good reason why Bay should treat all minority groups as a laughing

How ignorant does he have to be to put the muslim butcher scene (t2) and DEEP WANG!! (t3) in for comedy?

I consider you in the minority and a contrarian.