
Just so you all know, when we get to the forced labor camps, I call top bunk.

She’s 69, so probably not. And I’d like to see someone who isn’t named Clinton or Bush run. (And stop saying Michelle Obama in 2020; she doesn’t want anything to do with politics, and again, I’d like someone who wasn’t first lady to be the first female president.)

The American people have rejected her twice in 10 years. I think it’s safe to say it’s over.

One of the Clinton supports on CNN last night said something stupid to explain the win. Where FDR understood the power of radio, Kennedy TV and Obama using the Internet to drive grass roots support, Trump understood the power of social media where bullying is the norm and reality TV where the bad guy is the hero.

Railing on and on about identity politics has come home to roost, even if the other chickens in the coop are covering their eyes.

I am really sick of this everyone is a bigot and women hater shit. Obama got 10 million more fucken votes than Hillary 8 years ago. Hillary lost white counties in Penn an Ohio that Obama won by 5% by upwards of 25%.

Go back to the How the Deadspin Writers are voting article from yesterday and read Alex’s part. Alex Pareene represents every reason why the Dems lost. So many Urban Democrats had that exact same mentality. They were mad Hillary got picked over Bernie or whomever and rather than vote they chose to stay at home and

Posted this over at the slot, and I will repost it here:

I’ll give you a better baseball analogy.

You do understand that in most states either a democrat or a republican wins every 4 years, right?

Alright, let us rephrase for you. I’ll add a clause so you can get it through your skull.

They really, really don’t. Especially when you realize that, in most swing states Trump won, he actually earned fewer votes than Romney and McCain. It’s just that a whole bunch of people who voted for Obama stayed home.

Maybe blame websites that post things like this that take the vote (and the voter) for granted:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is that you again?

Jezebel spent a lot of time telling people, especially Bernie bros, to fuck off. They did fuck off, and this is the end result.

“Dude literally wrote that cancer is caused by orgasm deficiencies.”

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?