
Hillary clearly meant Basket of Deplorables endearingly...

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

Call me crazy, but acting as if the democrats had the right plan/strategy/candidate but just got screwed by forces out of their control is a terrible terrible strategy that might lead to a second repub term in 2020.

The problem is that underneath his attack platform, the biggest message he had was that he would help out the rust belt with the jobs that have just flat vanished. Yes, he spent an inordinate amount of time being a massive bigoted buffoon, but underneath it, he had a campaign based on legitimately trying to help out

Absolutely. There’s not a word there I disagree with at all.

It was easy—too easy, in fact—for the left, the media and the pollsters to just completely write off Trump’s supporters merely as a “basket” of xenophobic, racist, misogynistic bigots. And Trump’s rhetoric absolutely tapped into those feelings among many people.

My takeaway is that tying progressive social values to neo-liberal economic values fucked the Democratic party. And the country.

The blame game can go on forever on this one. For instance, it isn’t as if Clinton’s unpopularity is some new phenomenon. Perhaps Biden or Sanders would have fared better, but the establishment closed ranks around Clinton before the election even started and everyone, including respected media outlets, viewed other

Point the finger at yourself and your attitude towards other Americans. The disdain, the condescension, the insults. You want to win elections? Act like Bernie and convince people. You tried the insulting condescension and didn’t get you anywhere.

We all played our part. Remember the smarmy comments of how much better Hillary was going to be an electable candidate? How she was going to blow Trump outta the water?

You really think more Johnson voters would’ve voted for Hillary over Trump? None of the later polls support that.

Thanks for the canned response, it was full of selective information and very deceptive phrasing.

No, as much as Trump sucks the Hitler comparisons make no sense to anyone with the slightest understanding of history. It’s lazy, it’s stupid, it’s dangerous.

Yeah, fuck everyone else, it’s not YOUR fault for choosing the most hated Democrat in the United States to be our candidate.

The government has bent over backward for her. She wanted a different haircut, she got it. She wanted women’s clothes, she got it. She wanted hormones, she got them. She wanted surgery, she got it.

^^ this is huge, from a public health perspective. It’s not ideal for the planet at large, but that’s today.

-Easier to control/clean a couple hundred emission points than 100's of millions exhaust pipes.