
Sometimes the TV Activates OK Google, and the TV didnt even say “ok Google “

They wont get as much money if they sued the individual that caused the accident

The only problem is the Original Nova was alive in 3978, with all the apes speaking and no humans speaking, while This Nova might be 2024, with 2(ish) apes speaking verbally, the rest in sign, and all humans speaking

He will have to do a Lawsuit to get the rest

and here i am still waiting on my dam RS for over a year, at least its built and waiting at the port

i will admit the sole reason i subscribed was to help get him to 50 mil so he would delete it

in one of the earlier episodes somebody said that nobody knows what Arnold looks like

Toyota is going to dismantle and study this 2007 Tundra pickup truck, to make sure they don’t build another one like it.

is it just me, but it looks like the Owner of the GT in the main image curbed and bent his wheel