Ponytails, cocktails!
Ponytails, cocktails!
“you think Eddie Money has to put up with this shit?!”
The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.
Counterpoint. Dancing is stupid.
A child.
A poop cookie. Yesterday.
Four shots should have been enough, but ironically it was the 5th shot that killed him.
Shoulda brought a gun, brother. This ain’t intramurals.
Have they tried not being black? I’ve been not black most of my life, and it didn’t even take much effort.
I met him once. We crossed paths on Media Day for Raiders v Bucs Super Bowl. I asked him on camera about No. 1 defense vs No. 1 offense but beforehand as we walked over to a semi-empty space he said “Let me help you with that” and plucked the tripod off my shoulder and carried it for me. CLASS ACT
Taken out of context, that would seem to be the case. But if you watched the post game press conference, you can tell he’s clearly joking. That doesn’t make for a good story though, does it?
So you really think that was a planned play, rather than him ad libbing a joke in the interview?
I’m not sure you should take the quote at face value. Some people who saw the smile on his face when he said it felt that he was making a joke.