
What I noticed amongst my friends was that most of my POC friends loved the show, while most of my white friends were ambivilent at best, dislike at worst. I’ve been asked to explain why it’s good to my white friends and part of me wanted to say “Maybe this show just isn’t for you. Not everything is for you.”

I can only wish for such arrogance.

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

Exactly. At least W was a joyous buffoon. At least you could laugh at him without the laughter sticking in your throat.

Big difference was Bush never came across as a huge jerk in any capacity.

Guys, Trump has done the impossible and made me nostalgic for Bush. I would gratefully trade him into the office of President in a heartbeat. That is how bad things are. And it pisses me off that Trump is making Bush, who was an AWFUL president, be whitewashed with positive sentiment. But here we are.

Factory farming is one of the worst violators of workers rights and I really don’t think people acknowledge it enough. Most places higher undocumented workers so they don’t have the ability to sue since it is an incredibly dangerous job. And if those factory farms use antibiotics on their animals it also increases the

Sure would explain that little grin on her face. Merkle is made of pure fucking steel, she’s not afraid of pissbabies like Drumpf.

Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

Kind of sounds like Taberski is a creepy weirdo who needs to leave Richard alone. By kind of I mean completely and totally.

At first I was like:

Not only would this prevent women from having the choice to abort, it robs a woman who would choose not to abort from preparing herself to have a child with a disability, who may not even survive birth. This is disgusting on all fronts.

I listened to this interview on my ride into work. I was shocked—and it takes quite a bit to shock me these days. The open hostility toward very fair questions from a journalist . . . insisting that H.R. McMaster didn’t say things that he is quoted as saying . . .

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

He just means his reaction. He’s saying he would have helped anybody in a similar situation.

Now playing

I totally remember that Cosby show episode: