

“How I can tell you’ve never managed adults before.”

Make them president?

“No, it’s bullshit. Treat everybody the same. If you’re not gonna show up for work ...”

Hey, remember when the Bears were facing a 1st & 30 and they converted it only for it to get called back on an offensive penalty that put them at 1st & 40? That was awesome.

Fuck yeah it does!”

Do you think you’d notice some sketchy guys in a Crown Vic tailing you all the way home?

More than one person familiar with him described — or agreed with the description of — Snyder as someone who behaves the way a little kid imagines a rich person acts.

Fun Fact: in the halftime show, Big Boi rode a Cadillac down the field for more yards than the Rams had in the entire first half.

The forward slash! Who the fuck uses a forward slash for anything?... Ah. Right. Well, what about the thingie above the forward slash? The |?

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant

“Of course I wouldn’t. I cheer for a good team.”

not just sports media; the New York Times itself spent all of 2016 hyping butter emails

People do not like change. They get used to the equipment they are using, it becomes second nature, and they like that. They do not like having to incorporate new equipment, technology, paperwork, whatever into their routines. People complained when OSHA mandated the use of Safety Needles. They hoarded supplies of the

*Marianne Williamson promises to publicly audit all four sports leagues*

Big Flush? Hope it doesn’t turn into a Higgledy Piggledy

I saw one of those on a Merkur Scorpio in Paris once!

Hello from August 28 2008, where the Lions just finished going 4-0 in the preseason and, well, it was silly to try to say anything meaningful about the preseason, but ... 4-0, c’mon, it wasn’t ALL against backups, this 2008 Lions roster is gonna spark a fire.