
Honestly, if you really think about it, giving out advice is the easiest thing in the world if you’re not actually held accountable and you have no sense of shame. Everyone here has had this conversation after too many drinks with a friend or relative who’s about to go in for their first interview after graduating.

Well, not only this, which I admit is satisfying, but really at the end of the day, him and his team just don’t really have a grasp of the mechanics of governing and law. It’s been said ad nauseum but Trump’s the equivalent of every family’s one old man who constantly barked that he could run this country better given

Man, Trump finally getting the respect he was so fucking thirsty for from the cream of the crop.

Yep. See GOP last 8 years. Their bread and butter was obstruction, given the keys to every major institution, they’ve so far proven entirely incapable of actual governance.

It’s 1000x easier to just shit on everything than actually doing the work.

I actually laughed at the end of this article when that quote came. I mean, good lord, at some point just take your lumps when you’ve fucked up that badly in public.


I agree with you, we exist in a culture of violence, dominance, and winners or losers. It is not a realistic stance and even in our daily lives we discover that those narratives are bullshit and often we deal with transgressions through compromise, acquiescence, or any other number of ways that I wouldn’t describe as

Yeah... just... this is so depressing in light of everything we’ve seen since inauguration. You know even back when there was that lesser of two evils narrative I remember thinking, “WELL WHY WOULDN’T YOU CHOOSE THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS THEN?!” It’s almost laughable how apparent that every falsehood and attack on

Some say he hasn’t seen his daughter in months now.

Honestly, this entire GOP majority saga has been something to watch. In my opinion they’ve totally over-leveraged their political capital to simply win and it’s become abundantly clear that to make that gain they paid with every last shred of principle they’ve been

The twitter sphere is alight with rumors and guessing right now, but I’m gonna stick with facts and throw my hat in with you guys on this one. With the track record we’ve been seeing from Chaffetz and his incredibly bendy straw spine and after Georgia’s showing last night, every district may be a valid fight in ‘18.


Haha, thanks for the clarification, I didn’t know if there was some unknown celebrity world that I had missed.

Yeah, I think you have a real point here that I’d like to extrapolate on. I think everyone should be allowed to participate in social discussions regardless of their levels of awareness, history, culture, wealth etc. But then it’s up to the audience to determine levels of qualifications that this person brings to the

I respectfully disagree, I’m not an expert so if anyone finds something I’ve got wrong please feel free to chime in, but I think there’s a real possibility for impeachment proceedings, however, as many other users have commented, the biggest hurdle is a Republican majority in congress who has taken party completely

Yeah, I get this sentiment and to be fair, it’s better than some of the more privileged views of apathy I’m hearing out here in the suburbs. In a lot of cases, the view of these mostly (well in all honesty, ALL) white non-voters is that they simply don’t believe government actually influences their life in any

Thank you. For whatever reasons, education, safe water, the EPA, PBS, and a whole host of other programs are all thought of in terms of costs and benefits but it seems that pundits and news media never think of acts of violence in terms of dollars. All that’s stated is, “59 beautiful Tomahawks” and the circle cheers.

Yep, Trump’s plans to bomb Syria have move in common with Obama’s plans to do the same before his lack of Congressional approval led him to make a deal with Russia for Syria’s chemical weapon removal (which we now know they weren’t being entirely honest about). The thing is, a lot of Democrats wanted action in Syria a

At least they’re your family, I just had a bad row with my brother-in-law over Paul Ryan and conservatism, of which he seems to be a staunch supporter of. Here’s the thing he claims he couldn’t care less about politics, but man is he pro-corporations, pro-tax-evasion by the very rich, and anti-ACA. It made me both