Burnella McBurns

So, this is why we don’t do this. Nothing you just said suggested that dentists are dangerous to others, only themselves, and only in a statistical sense. That’s a huge step into someone’s privacy and is easily abused. Queer people have higher suicide rates, and imagine if a Republican legislature got to decide who

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

Some super-whiz sitting at his battle station with 15 monitors, single-handedly defending the White House while he furiously types cyber-defending code. lol

Well please know that some of us genuinely don’t have the ability to check our phones at all times and when we text that, we mean it.

It was a very political choice. This Land Is Your Land is a Woody Guthrie song with a lot of forgotten verses-

One of my very conservative cousins posted about loving the halftime show, and one of her equally conservative friends posted the following response: “...actually it was very refreshing and hopeful that a star used their platform to be patriotic and NOT POLITICAL!”

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

I just started curology this month! I don’t have rosacea, so I can’t speak to the efficacy of the products they might have for that. I’ve really liked my prescription for blackheads and an overall improved skin texture. Unfortunately I’m still going through some purging so waiting for that to pass before I can really

Honorable Judge Brown, I have been waiting since Tuesday to post this for your consideration. Be it shade?


To Musk: You’ve gotten used to working with people and gathering people to you that take risks and actually achieve their goals.

Being afraid of stairs and doorways is CLASSIC, well-documented dementia behavior.

I...don’t understand Spicer here. Is the word “demonstrator” supposed to be bad? I see no negative connotation.

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

There is a Canadian McDonald’s Corp. Chef on YouTube who lists the ingredients in a “How To” then someone added quantities for replication.....Paprika gives it that certain color palate and adds a hit of flavor I suspect, and he doesn’t add Tumeric so I don’t know if that is for the bottled version for color or needed

I love that phrase the the dwindling population of Trump lovers keeps emitting. Exactly how would one go about “giving Trump a chance”? Conversely, what could I do that would amount to “not giving Trump a chance”?

None of my dystopian novels predicted rouge park rangers leading the resistance on Twitter. . .

I have literally decided Trump is a greater threat to America than Osama bin Laden ever was.

I am so going to work the phrase “sorry, but I have the delicate hands of programmer” into conversation this week.